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What is difference between distemper and emulsion paint ?

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Hello Ananya, I saw you asking about the difference between distemper and emulsion and I can help. I was looking to paint my house interior and got confused between distemper and emulsion. So, I looked for the major differences to see which one would work best. I found that on one hand, distemper was cost effective, but needed more touch-ups. While on the other, emulsion was durable but expensive. I will tell you more about the differences below.

What is the Distemper and Emulsion Paint Difference?

Samiksha has already mentioned the comparison of distemper and emulsion paint. Hence, here, I am listing down a few more difference between distemper and emulsion paint.

Distemper Paint

Emulsion Paint

It has a matte finish and is ideal for a traditional and rustic style.

It gives a modern look and an adaptable choice with a smooth, washable and robust finish.

It uses natural binders and water.

For increased durability, it uses synthetic binders and water resistant solvents.

It has a limited colour option.

It offers a wider range of colours.

They need more touch-ups.

It lasts longer.

What is the Price Difference Between Distemper and Emulsion?

In terms of the price, distemper paint is cheaper when compared to the emulsion paint. As emulsion paints are impactful and come with high durability, they are priced higher. Although distempers are cost-effective, you can’t neglect the fact that emulsions require low maintenance and save money on that front.

This is all from my side. I hope you are now aware of the distemper and emulsion difference. 

Get Superior Paint Finish With Service Warranty From NoBroker Painting! Some related information:

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0 2022-06-23T16:39:43+00:00


Painting a house is not a simple process, there are many details that people overlook. It impacts the interior and exterior of the house. The type of paint you choose matters the most. Both distemper paint and emulsion paint are good options. You can choose either of them. To help you make an informed decision, I will share distemper vs emulsion paint.

What is difference between distemper and emulsion paint ?

Emulsion Paint                                                                                                           Distemper Paint

It is made from saturated vinyl or acrylic resins

It is made from  pigment, chalk, lime, water and animal glue.

This type of paint is made from newer technology.

This type of paint is made from old technology. It is also known as Cement Paint

It is water-based.

It is oil-based

This paint takes longer to dry in comparison 

This paint dries quicker in comparison

It has three types of paints 

It has two different types.

The paint is thicker in comparison. 

The consistency of paint is not as thick

It cannot be applied directly to concrete walls.

It can be applied directly to concrete walls.

It is more durable 

It is less durable 

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Now that you have an idea about emulsion paint vs  distemper . Let me tell you there are three types of emulsion paint available in the market. They are silk, satin, and matte. Whereas there are two types of distemper paints, they are Acrylic Distemper Paint and Synthetic Distemper Paint.

This is all from my end on  distemper vs emulsion paint.

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