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What is EC and CC when it comes to property documentation?

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18 2020-09-23T17:34:43+00:00
Best Answer
EC and CC are the Encumbrance Certificate and Completion certificate. Here is the meaning of EC and CC in simple terms: EC or the Encumbrance certificate is a certificate where the buyer can check if there are any monetary liabilities on the property. A buyer can easily verify if the property is free from any such liabilities and if it has any mortgage or an uncleared loan. Speaking about CC, the completion certificate is issued by the concerned authority (usually the municipal corporation) when the construction meets the criteria set by the local authorities. Without a CC, the construction is considered illegal.
1 2023-02-09T08:00:00+00:00

To begin the discussion about CC, and EC, I’d start with the CC full form in real estate, as well as the EC full form in property. So the full form of CC is Completion Certificate. However, the full form of EC is Encumbrance Certificate.

Obtain Encumbrance Certificate with NoBroker legal service assistance

After understanding the EC and CC full forms, I’d like to highlight the basic difference between both. So the basic difference is that Encumbrance Certificate (EC) is a legal document that a property is exempt from debt or legal obligations. However, when a building is completed in accordance with the building plan and other regulations, a completion certificate (CC), is generated.

While going through the previous answers, I discovered that the clarity about both these terms was explained clearly. However, I’d like to reiterate, what is CC in land registration. 

A completion certificate (CC) attests to a building's construction in conformity with the city's master plan and established requirements. The building materials used, the building’s height, the building plan, and other details like the green belt provision are all included in this document along with other pertinent project information.

This document certifies that no standards have been violated and that the building complies with all applicable building bye-laws. Homebuyers should be informed that to obtain an electricity and water connection, the CC must be produced to the authorities.

Builders are allowed to apply for a provisional Completion Certificate when there are only minor works left to finish the project. A temporary certificate good for six months is then issued by the authorities. After the six-month timeframe, the developer must receive a final CC.

I hope this clarifies your understanding of what CC means in land registration.

Here is a list of the documents needed to obtain the CC
  • a completed application

  • a letter of completion from a licenced architect or civil engineer

  • a copy of the approved building plan

  • certificate of structural safety from relevant departments

  • obtaining copies of NOCs from the relevant departments for sewage, water supply, power connection, elevators, and fire evacuation

  • Required declarations

 Now talking about the EC, I’d say that to be eligible for loans from the majority of banks and financial institutions for or against the property, a homebuyer must obtain an EC in addition to securing his legal title to the property.

Documents Required for Obtaining Encumbrance Certificate
  • Application form

  • Attested copy of address proof

  • Authenticated address proof copy

  • It should be signed by the applicant and be attached with the registered deed number, date, book number, volume/CD number, and applicant's signature.

  • Information regarding the property and its title

  • the time frame during which the EC is needed

  • the objective of applying the EC

  • If requested, the attorney holder will make a copy of the power of attorney.

  • Aadhar card

  • Property card if available

I’d like to conclude here as I believe this answer suffices your query about the CC, and EC by not only providing the CC full form in real estate, and the EC full form in property, but also with a few other pieces of information.

Read More:

Find Out the Encumbrance Certificate Validity Period? How can we verify the completion certificate and occupancy certificate online? How can we check if the completion certificate has been applied by the builder or not?
13 2022-04-29T15:23:56+00:00

I suggest you always look for these documents before investing in the property. An encumbrance certificate is a legal document that states whether or not a piece of real estate is free of legal or financial liabilities. It is critical to obtain documentation such as the Occupancy Certificate (OC), Encumbrance Certificate (EC) and Completion Certificate (CC) when purchasing a home. These are necessary paperwork for obtaining a mortgage or selling your house. But first, we must know what is EC in land records.

What is EC and CC in property?

First, I would like to appreciate the answers of Priyash and Jayati. They just explained very well the concept of EC and CC in the property. 

An encumbrance certificate is a legal document that will tell you if there are any financial or legal charges against the property. You can get an EC by going to the appropriate Sub Registrar's office. The lender will apply a charge on the property if it is purchased with a loan or if it has been committed. This will prevent the borrower/property owner from selling the property until the debt is fully paid off. 

A Completion Certificate (CC) is a legal document that verifies that a structure was built in accordance with the city's established standards and master plan. This document contains all project-related information, such as the building materials utilised, the structure height, and the site plans, as well as provisions for green areas.

Facts about what is EC and CC in land registration:

Encumbrance Certificate

Completion Certificate

It is a legally binding document that serves as proof of free title/ownership in real estate transactions.

A Completion Certificate is an official entity that certifies that the property's construction is finished and that the structure does not break any government laws or guidelines.

It is critical for those seeking a home loan or a home loan secured by property, as well as those looking to sell or buy a home.

If you receive a Completion Certificate, it does not mean that you are legally entitled to stay and keep it.

It contains all the transactions registered relating to a particular property for a certain period so that one can get to know the real state of that property.

You should obtain the possession letter only after the builder receives the completion certificate.

What is EC in land records must be clear to you now.

NoBroker offers encumbrance certificates with ease, get yours also from NoBroker. Read More: How to check encumbrance certificate online? How to apply for an encumbrance certificate online in Karnataka? How can we verify the completion certificate and occupancy certificate online?
13 2021-08-18T17:48:51+00:00

If you are planning to buy a property, then you should know some of the basic documents that are essential to complete the buying process. Some of the necessary documents in the real estate sector are EC, OC, and CC. You should know that these three documents serve varying purposes and one mustn’t be confused with another. So, what is EC, CC, and OC? Read below to find out:

  1. Encumbrance Certificate (EC)

EC full form in land market: Encumbrance Certificate.

It is a certificate of assurance that the concerned property is free from any monetary or legal liability including an uncleared loan or a mortgage.

When do you need an EC?
  1. When withdrawing PF to buy property

  2. When applying for a home loan

  3. When selling property

  4. When buying property

What details are mentioned in EC?

An encumbrance certificate includes all the necessary details of the property, its owner, mortgages, transfer of ownership, and more.

Which authority issues EC?

The encumbrance certificate is issued by the sub-registrar in whose jurisdiction the property exists. In simple terms, this is the office where the property was registered at the time of the purchase by the previous and current owners.

  1. Completion Certificate (CC)

A completion certificate ensures that the building has been built by following the safety norms given in the prevalent building code. It acts as proof that the building has been approved by the directorate of town and country planning, or the municipal corporation, or the local authority.

Additionally, a provisional completion certificate is given when the builder has to hand over units to the buyers, while some work is still going on.

Why do you need a CC?
  1. CC is required while selling the property

  2. It helps to prevent legal procedures, such as evictions, that municipal authorities can proceed against you

  3. It provides a sense of security that the building has been built in line with the approved plan

  4. CC forms a prerequisite for getting an OC

  1. Occupancy Certificate (OC)

Once a completion certificate is obtained, the local municipal authorities issue an occupancy certificate to certify that the building is safe for habitation by the residents.

Why do you need an OC?
  1. OC ensures that the building has satisfied all the local laws and building norms, and is safe to occupy.

  2. If there is no occupancy certificate, the building can be demolished anytime, considering it to be an unauthorized structure,

  3. It serves as the final pass certificate of a building or a project

  4. It is necessary to have an OC at the time of resale of the flat.


I hope now you understand what is EC, OC, and CC clearly.

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