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What is EID number in Aadhar card?

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2 Year


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I believe an Aadhar card is one of the most commonly accepted. A friend of mine did not have a registered Aadhar ID. I took him to the Aadhar centre, and as he was filling out the form, he asked me what is EID number in Aadhar card. Take a look at the paragraphs below to know the answer. 

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What is the meaning of EID number in Aadhar card?

EID or Enrolment ID is assigned to each person who registers for an Aadhar card. The number is assigned to help check your Aadhaar Status. If you are updating your Aadhar details, you will be given an EID as well. EID 

  What is EID number in Aadhar?

EID is numeric that is found on top of your enrolment/update acknowledgement slip. In total your, EID number will have 28 digits. The enrollment number will be 14 digits (1234/12345/12345) followed by 14 digit date and time (yy yy/mm/dd hh:mm: ss).


How to get lost EID number ?
  • If you don't remember your EID, you can easily retrieve it from the official website of the UIDAI at


    . You can even use the mAadhaar mobile application.

  • You will need to log into the app/ website with your ID and choose the ‘Retrieve EID/UID’ option. 

  • The EID number will be sent to your registered mobile number or email id. 

This is all from my end on what is EID number in Aadhar card. Read more: How to do Aadhar card address change? How to check property details with Aadhar number? How to get Aadhar card registered?

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