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What is HSN code in GST?

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1 2022-02-28T18:03:14+00:00
Best Answer

My friend is a businessman and he was explaining GST and HSN to me a few days ago. Let me tell you what is HSN code in GST registration in this answer.

HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) code is required for both B2C and B2B tax invoices on the supplies of services and goods. The World Customs Organization (WCO) was introduced in 1988 for a systematic classification of goods both international and national. It is a six-digit code that classifies several products.

HSN codes apply to GST and Customs. There are different HSN codes for different goods. These codes make the filing of GST returns by removing the need to upload details about the goods.

The codes given in the Customs tariff are used for GST purposes too. HSN is used all over the world. HSN codes eliminate the need to upload details about the commodities which makes filing GST returns easier.

Let’s Understand the HSN Code

The HSN structure contains 0021 sections, with 0099 Chapters, 1244 headings, and 5224 subheadings. This system helps make GST globally accepted and more simple.

For instance,

Handkerchiefs crafted from Textile matters 62.13.90

The 62 (the first two digits) signify the chapter number for Articles of clothing and apparel accessories, not crocheted or knitted.

13 (Next two digits) signify the handkerchiefs’ heading number.

90 (last two digits) is the product code for handkerchiefs crafted from other textile materials.

Our country has two more digits for a deeper classification.

If the handkerchiefs are crafted from silk or from silk waste, then the HSN code is 62 . 13 . 90 . 90.

If the handkerchiefs are crafted from a man-made fiber, then the HSN code is 62 . 13 . 90 . 10.

What is HSN code in GST in Hindi

: सामंजस्यपूर्ण


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हार्मोनाईस्ड सिस्टम ऑफ़ नॉमेनक्लेचर

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I hope now you have a complete understanding on what is HSN code in GST registration.

0 2024-11-29T02:55:21+00:00

The other day, while keeping the account books, I was trying to figure out what is HSN code in GST for my business, as I needed to fill out some GST returns. I had no idea where to start, so I called a professional to help me understand it better. He explained that HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature, a system used to classify goods for taxation purposes. He also explained that the HSN code in GST helps in determining the correct GST rate for the goods I sell.

What is a HSN Code in GST?

HSN is basically a system used worldwide to identify and classify goods based on their nature and use.

  • The professional helped me understand how every product I sell will have a specific HSN code in GST. The code helps categorise the product so that the right tax rate can be applied.

  • He also mentioned that it is something I should always check while dealing with any product for GST purposes. Using the correct code ensures that I don’t face any issues during audits.

  • The professional also helped me find the right HSN code for the products I deal with, making the whole process a lot simpler.

This is all about what is HSN in GST. It’s honestly much easier to get your GST sorted once you understand how HSN codes work, and I’m glad I got help with it.

Get Help with GST Registration from Legal Experts at NoBroker

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Let’s solve your query about

what is HSN code in GST bill

. The HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) code is an internationally recognized system for classifying goods systematically. Under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India, the HSN code is used to categorise products for tax purposes.

What is GST HSN Code?

The HSN code helps in determining the applicable GST rate for a product. It ensures uniform taxation across the country. It is a 6-digit uniform code that classifies many products, which are arranged in a logical structure.

  • If you have a business with a turnover of up to 1.5 crore, then HSN codes are not mandatory while filing GST returns.

  • If you have a business with a turnover between 1.5 crore and 5 crore, you must use a 2-digit HSN code in your invoices and GST returns.

  • Businesses with turnover above ₹5 crore: These businesses must use a 4-digit HSN code for goods and services in all invoices and returns.

India uses HSN codes to standardise tax rates and simplify GST procedures for both domestic and international trade.

  • First 2 digits: Represent the chapter under which the product is classified.

  • Next 2 digits: Denote the heading within that chapter.

  • Last 2 digits: Indicate the subheading, providing a more specific classification of the product.

For international trade, businesses must use the 8-digit HSN code to comply with global standards. I hope your query about

what is a HSN code

in GST should be solved.

Get Help with GST Registration from Experts at NoBroker.

 Read more

What is HSN Code for Rent: GST Applicability for Rent



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