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What is ICICI Home Loan Transfer Charges?

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Last year for some reason I had to transfer my home loan from ICICI to another bank. As I wasn't aware of the process and charges I called a friend who works are ICICI Bank and asked him about the ICICI home loan transfer charges. He told me about the rates and I have added all of that information in the table below. 

What are the ICICI Bank Home Loan Transfer Charges?

Charges Rates

Login/Application Fee

Rs. 5000

Processing/ Administrative Fees

0.75% of the loan amount or Rs 11,000, whichever is higher.

Conversion Fee

0.50% of the loan amount + GST.

Let’s check out the prepayment charges:

Product  Charges

Floating rate loan if loan is not for business and one of the borrowers is an individual


Floating rate loan where the purpose of the loan is business 

and borrowers are individuals or non-individuals

4% of the outstanding amount + GST.

Fixed-rate housing loan

2% + GST

Fixed-rate non housing loans

4% + GST

And that’s what he told me about ICICI home loan balance transfer charges. He also told me about the documents necessary for this process. Here are those

  • He told me to submit all the documents I had submitted for the loan initially. 

  • A letter on the letterhead of the existing lender stating the list of property documents you have submitted to them

  • A recent outstanding balance letter from the existing financial institution on their letterhead

  • A copy of the property document.

And that is all that he told me about the ICICI home loan transfer charges. I hope this helps. 

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