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What is Index 2 of property?

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What is Index 2 property document?

Let me tell you in brief about Index 2 property documents, so you can understand it in a better way. When you register documents/agreements such as a sale deed, agreement to sell, gift deed, leave and license agreement, and so on, Index II is immediately formed. The registration department issues an index as an official record of documents entered in the registering authority's records, confirming that the transaction has been completed.

What is index 2 in property agreement?

Index II provides a brief description of the registered document, mostly displaying the following data and tells you about what is index 2 of property. 1) The total sum paid by the buyer or the renter to the owner means the transaction amount. 2) Sale deed, agreement for sale, gift deed, and so on are examples of different types of documents. 3) Real estate information such as the name of the society, the unit identity, the building number, the land area, the parking spaces, the terrace area, the survey number, the GAT number, the land number, the town name, the region name, the district name, and so on. 4) Market value of a property or the property's value according to the government. 5) The property's area or the property's total square footage (sqft) or square meters. 6) Enforcement and registration dates 7) Names of the agreement's parties or names of the owner and purchaser, such as their PANs, addresses, and so on. 8) Number of the document registration as every registered document is assigned a unique registration number in the government database, which reflects the document's special id, institution title, and year of certification. 9) Name of the Registrar's office and Stamp Duty and registration fees in total. This should give you an idea about what is index 2 property document. I hope you like my answer :) Get your property registered hassle-free through NoBroker’s legal services. Read More: What is land registration ID How to check property registration online Is PAN card mandatory for registration of property What is Index copy of property?

Index 2 is a crucial document of property transactions in India, particularly in the state of Maharashtra. It is part of the property registration process and provides essential details about the ownership and transactions related to a particular property. This is what is index 2 of property. Let me share more details.

What is Index 2 in Property Agreement?

It refers to the property's registered document and contains information about real estate transactions, including mortgage deeds, lease agreements, gift deeds, and sale deeds, among other documents. It records all encumbrances and legal transactions pertaining to the property.

Significance of Index 2

  • Index 2 serves as a legal proof of ownership of the property, which is vital for any transaction related to the property.

  • It provides evidence of the legitimacy of the property title, helping to resolve disputes related to ownership and rights.

  • To confirm the ownership history and ensure the property is free of encumbrances, banks, legal agencies, and prospective buyers frequently use Index 2 for property title searches.

  • When buying or selling property, the details from Index 2 are typically required for the transaction to proceed legally.

  • It is also useful when getting an Encumbrance Certificate (EC), which is often needed for property loans and further property transactions.

You can request Index 2 from the local Sub-Registrar’s office where the property is registered. This is all about what is index 2 property document.

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If you want to know what is index 2 in agreement let me tell you. Index 2 is the second page of a sale deed or property registration document.

It is a legal document that records the sale and transfer of ownership of a property. It means it contains essential details of the property, parties involved in the transaction, the sale price, and other terms and conditions of the sale.

It is registered in the local Sub-Registrar's Office.

What is index 2 copy include?

  1. Details of the loans or mortgages associated with the property.

  2. Encumbrances information or legal claims on the property.

  3. Details of existing easements, rights of way, or other third-party interests.

  4. Declarations of the buyer and seller regarding the information provided in the sale deed.

  5. Any other relevant terms and conditions that are not given on the first page.

This is all about what is index 2 agreement. Make sure to read it carefully to completely understand the terms and conditions of the property transaction.


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A few years ago when my father opted to pay the property tax offline, he was asked to provide the Index 2 document. He, fortunately, was able to furnish the document but he said that his friend could not show it and had no idea about it as well. I know many of you might not have it and do not even know the process to get the Index 2 online but it's very easy to obtain one. I helped that uncle get it so will be glad to share the process of obtaining it to help you all here.


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  What is the relevance of Index 2?

In simple words, understand that Index 2 is a legal certificate that records all the details of a property like its registration, owner details, location, area and more along with the necessary documents submitted at the sub-registrar’s office.


How to get Index 2 online in Karnataka?

Index 2 is given along with the sale deed, usually on the second page of the deed, so let me tell you how to get a copy of the sale deed in Karnataka online. 

  • Go to Karnataka’s land record portal or click on


  • Login using your credentials (You will notice the process elaborated in the image there)

  • You will need to provide details like district, sub-registrar’s office where it got registered, block type and more

Do remember that you won’t be getting the sale deed online if your property has got registered before 2004.

Try to obtain the property Index 2 document as soon as you can to get all the records of the property and cite them whenever necessary. If you want to get it offline, visit the sub-registrar’s office where the property got registered and write an application regarding the same.


I hope

Index 2 online and offline methods were clear to you. 

  Read More:

What is registered sale deed?

How to get sale deed copy online?

How to apply for certified copy of sale deed?

Hi Buddy,

As you must have understood from Memon Saquib’s answer, Index II is produced when we register papers like sale deeds, rental agreements, and gift deeds. A few months back, I downloaded the Index form in Maharashtra. Hence, I think I can help you out with your query about the

Index 2 property document downloading process.

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I have gone through the previous answ

er about the index 2 meaning, I think the answer is well written and he mentioned every point to highlight the importance of the same. To reiterate, I would like to suggest that Index 2 form includes details such as the document registration number, the place where it was registered, the names of the parties (including the owner of the property), the total consideration amount, and the property details, stamp duty details, etc. It is a very significant document that is available for free download and internet searching.

The process to download index 2 in agreement:
  • To obtain Index 2, visit the official website of

the registration and stamp department

of the Government of Maharashtra.

  • Choose "Mumbai" or "Rest of Maharashtra" or "Urban Areas in Rest of Maharashtra" from the drop-down menu on the home page.

  • Provide information such as the year, district, property number, and village information.

  • Type the captcha code and then search

  • A page with all the information will open. Select "Index" from the drop-down menu in the final column.

  • Download the Index.

Index 2 is often called Suchi 2 in local parlance in the state of Maharashtra. It is a very important document and is used while taking loans on properties from financial institutions. They usually ask for the

index 2 certified copy.

Now, I would also like to brief you guys about the meaning of Index 2 in Marathi;

जेव्हा आम्ही विक्री करार, भाडे करार आणि भेटवस्तू यांसारख्या कागदपत्रांची नोंदणी करतो तेव्हा निर्देशांक II तयार केला जातो. इंडेक्स 2 फॉर्ममध्ये दस्तऐवज नोंदणी क्रमांक, ते नोंदणीकृत ठिकाण, पक्षांची नावे (मालमत्तेच्या मालकासह), एकूण मोबदला रक्कम, आणि मालमत्तेचे तपशील, मुद्रांक शुल्क तपशील इ. यासारख्या तपशीलांचा समावेश आहे. एक अतिशय महत्त्वपूर्ण दस्तऐवज आहे जो विनामूल्य डाउनलोड आणि इंटरनेट शोधासाठी उपलब्ध आहे.

I hope this helps:)

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