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What is Land Measurement Units in Kerala?

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0 2024-07-30T20:28:39+00:00

My brother recently moved to Kerala and was trying to purchase land over there but he wasn’t aware of the Kerala land measurement units. He knows someone in the Kerala Land Records department, who explained the whole thing to him. 

What are the Land Measurement Units in Kerala?

The person from the Land Records department told my brother that the unit used in Kerala for the measurement of land is called Cent. 

According to him, 1 Cent = 435.6 square feet. He also said that Ankanam is another traditional unit used in some regions of Kerala and 1 Ankanam  = 72 sq. ft. 

Following this, he told my brother that Ankanam is a unit that is predominantly used in Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka but also used in Kerala. Here is a table he had shared with my brother.

Units of Measurement


1 Cent

435.6 Sq. ft.

1 Ankanam

72 sq. ft.

1 Acre

605 Ankanam or 100.04 cents

And that is all he told my brother about land measurement units Kerala. I hope this helps.

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What is the Standard Unit of Measuring Land?

-1 2023-07-19T12:08:33+00:00

As you know, a variety of terms are used throughout the nation to identify the specific area of landed property. The size and value of properties are heavily influenced by land measuring units in Kerala. Cent and Acre are most commonly used as land measurement units in Kerala to measure real estate and acres. Read on to get the complete list of measurement units.

List of land measurement units used in Kerala

Let’s check out the old land measurement units in Kerala below:

  • The "


    ," which is equal to one-hundredth of an acre, is the unit of measurement in Kerala. It is also equal to 435.6 square feet. 

  • A frequent unit of measurement in Kerala, is the "


    ." 43,560 square feet or 100 cents make up 1 acre. When addressing a section of land in rural areas or big land areas used for agriculture, the term "acre" is used.

The basic land measurement chart currently found in Kerala's land documents or records is as follows:

Area Unit Conversion Unit 

1 sq cm

0.00107639 sq ft

1 sq ft

12 inches = 144 sq in 1 ft

1 sq meter

10.76391042 sq ft

1 sq inch

0.0069444 sq ft

1 sq yard

9 sq ft

1 sq mile

259 Hectares or 640 acres

1 Hectare

2.49 acres or 10000 sq meter (approximately)

1 acre

4840 sq yd

I hope the above-stated land measurement in Kerala helps you to facilitate smooth real estate transactions in the state.

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