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What is LIC Plot Loan Interest Rate?

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1 Year


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the LIC plot loan interest rate for salaried employees starts at 8.55%, and for non-salaried employees, the interest rate starts at 8.80%.

I took a plot loan from LIC last year, and during that time, I researched about the interest rates. The interest rate depends mainly on three factors: whether you’re an employed applicant or a self-employed applicant, the loan amount you want to borrow and your CIBIL score. So, let me share the interest rate for different CIBIL scores, loan amounts and occupation types in detail.

What is the LIC Land Loan Interest Rate?

These are the interest rates for the LIC plot loan.

CIBIL Score Interest Rate for Salaried  CIBIL Score Interest Rate for Non-salaried

8.55% up to 2 crores


8.80% up to 2 crores

8.55% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores

9.00% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores


8.60% up to 2 crores


8.80% up to 2 crores

8.60% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores

9.00% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores


8.65% up to 2 crores


8.80% up to 2 crores

8.65% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores

9.00% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores


8.70% up to 2 crores


8.80% up to 2 crores

8.90% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores

9.00% for more than 2 crores and & up to 15 crores

This is all I have to say about the LIC plot loan rate of interest. I hope this helps.

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