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What is lime mortar ?

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If you are interested in building techniques, you must have come across a material called lime mortar. It is used in structures as it has a high endurance quality. I was shocked to know it has been in use for centuries. Earlier lime mortar meaning was limited to local tradition, folklore, and trade knowledge.

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What is lime mortar?

It is a material that is made of lime (hydraulic, or non-hydraulic), water and an aggregate such as sand. It is soft to touch and has a porous texture. It is usually made with a mix that is 1 part lime: 2.5 parts sand. The ratio of the materials needs to be perfect, if it is less or high the consistency of the same will change. 

It is used in the construction of new buildings and the conservation of old ones. I read a fact that Ancient Egyptians used lime mortar to plaster the pyramids. If the lime mortar is used in joints then moisture evaporates more effectively from the joints. Which in turn, reduces the moisture content present in the structure of the building. 

It also has a low air constant. This way the bond strength of the building is increased. Experts say it has better qualities than cement mortar. It gets hard by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and not by water. It is more expensive in comparison to regular cement because of the production cost.

If you wish to know information other than lime mortar meaning, take a look at the answers linked below. 

Read more :

How To Check Cement Quality?

What Is Cement Mortar?

Which cement is best for slab?    

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