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What is LPSC in Water Bill?

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Hello Zaid. I work in the water supply department of Kolkata. With this, I could share the meaning of LPSC in water bill with you. LPSC is the short form of Late Payment Surcharge. By the full form, you must be able to guess what it refers to. But to make it simpler, when a consumer of water misses out on paying the water bill by the due date, the water board applies a penalty pay as LPSC. Let me share more information about this.

How is LPSC Calculated in Water Bill?

The calculation of LPSC has a few methods, which are different based on the municipality or water board. 

  • One way is to calculate based on the due amount. Another imposes a fixed charge as a percentage and per day basis. 

  • Based on the water supplier for your household, you’ll have to figure out the LPSC calculation. 

  • Also, LPSC is different for commercial and residential. So, keep that in mind.

I’ll wrap up my answer here. This will help you understand the LPSC full form in water bill. 

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Hi. I am here to tell you what is LPSC in water bill. LPSC stands for Late Payment Surcharge, and I have been given the notification to make the payment towards LPSC before. This is a penalty fee, which I will describe below.

What Does LPSC Mean in Water Bill? 

LPSC or Late Payment Surcharge is charged by the water board on the non-payment of the water bill on the given due date. So, suppose the last date to pay your water bill was 31st June, but you failed to pay the water bill till that date, then you’d have to pay the water bill plus LPSC for missing the due date. 

The calculation of LPSC is done based on the due amount. However, the calculation process may vary based on your water board. So, I recommend you ask your water board about the process they follow to calculate LPSC on water bills.

This is all I have to share with you for this answer. I hope this answer helps you understand all about LPSC in water bills.

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I came to know what is LPSC in water bill when my brother told me about it a few days ago. In accordance with the terms of the Tariff Orders, a consumer is subject to a Late Payment Surcharge (LPSC) for any time during which their invoices are not paid by the due date.

LPSC full form in water bill

LPSC full form is Late Payment Surcharge. As part of the final rebate programme, the Delhi government has decided to eliminate the late payment fee (LPSC) on water bills for residential and commercial customers through the end of the year.

The Delhi Jal Board had its 163rd board meeting some time back, which was presided over by Deputy Chief Minister. During the meeting, he gave his approval to projects worth Rs. 869 crore.

  • To relieve Delhi residents of their unpaid water bills, the government has made a significant step. 

  • Up until December 31, 2022, the late fee (late payment premium) on unpaid water bills will be completely eliminated. That is, you can settle your past-due obligations without being concerned about late fines.

  • The corona epidemic reached its height in the years 2020–21, which forced many people to deal with a serious financial problem. As a result, the majority of customers were unable to settle their unpaid water bills.

  • The arrears accumulated significantly as a result of LPSC's frequent applications, making it impossible for the customers to pay their water bill.

  • Due to this, customers, elected officials, several groups, and numerous government institutions have pleaded for the LPSC to be waived on water bills in order to give individuals a chance to make their payments. 

  • The Late Payment Surcharge (LPSC) on household and commercial invoices was then approved by the board. 

The statement states that there is currently a debt that is unpaid in the amount of Rs 27,000 crore, which includes Rs 22,000 crore for LPSC and Rs 5,000 crore for the primary component.

This is what is LPSC in water bill.

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