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What is MOD in Home Loan?

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6 2021-09-20T10:15:00+00:00
Best Answer
MOD full form in home loan is Memorandum of Deposit which is executed by the bank and is signed between the bank (lender) and the consumer (borrower of home loan). The MOD in home loan is usually executed as the last installment is disbursed into the borrower’s loan account. It is a key charge paid alongside processing charges. MOD charges are somewhere between 0.1% to 0.5%. Now that we have determined what is MOD in home loan, let us look at some important information related to it.
  • MOD for housing loan is signed so that the bank has its name in the property.
  • In case of any defaults in future, the bank will have the rights to possess the property without any troubles.
  • An MOD is also signed between home loan borrowers and banks so that there are no multiple mortgages on the same property
  • MOD is usually a part of what people call it “hidden charges”
  • Almost all the banks have made it mandatory to sign MOD for home loan disbursal now
  • Once the principal amount and interest of the home loan is paid, the borrower can ask the bank to cancel the MOD. The bank manager has to go to the sub registrar’s officer and make a release deed for the clearance of encumbrances and to give the complete ownership back to the borrower.
I hope now you understand what is MOD in home loan, MOD full form and all the important information about it. Find out what is MOD charges on Home loan
The full form of MOD is "Memorandum of Deposit". It is a document that acts as a collateral pledge for our home loan

. My sister explained it to me when I was applying for a home loan. She told me when we sign the MOD, we essentially deposit a certain amount (usually 0.1% to 0.5% of the loan amount) with the lender, which they hold until we repay our loan in full.

This is exactly what is

MOD full meaning


I think it is also important for home loan applicants like me to know not just the

MOD full form in property, but also the


strategic advantage of MOD in home loan

  • It can lower your interest rate, as the lender sees it as a sign of your commitment to the loan. 

  • Additionally, it can expedite the approval process, showcasing your financial preparedness. Think of it as a peace offering to the financial dragons guarding your castle key.

What is M

OD Registration Meaning?

My sister also told me that the MOD comes with a few caveats. The deposited amount is typically non-refundable until you fully repay the loan. Also, some lenders might set the minimum loan amounts required for availing the MOD benefit. So, we should explore our options carefully before signing on the dotted line.

What M

OD Means in Home Loan?

I am sure now you have a clearer understanding of MOD. Just remember, while it's just one facet of our home loan journey, understanding its meaning can us to make informed decisions regarding a home loan. 

Avail Doorstep Assistance For Your Home Loan with NoBroker. Read More: What is PD in Home Loan?
3 2023-09-12T08:27:35+00:00

While availing a home loan I came across the term MOD and during the disbursal process, I came to understand the MOD full form in Banking. It is the abbreviation for Memorandum of Deposit. It is an undertaking that the home loan borrower gives mentioning that the depositor has deposited the title deeds of the property with the lender. 

This is what MOD means in bank. In MOD it is stated that the lender has the right to have a share in the property until the loan is fully paid.

What is the MOD charges for home loans?

The MOD usually ranges from 0.1% to 0.5% of the principal home loan amount. It is a legally binding agreement signed between the lender and the borrower and contains all the terms and conditions, including the

  • Amount of deposit

  • Interest rate

  • Repayment time and more

So this is what is MOD for home loan. Do note that once the loan gets repaid fully, the lender has to cancel the MOD and free the property from lien. 

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4 2023-04-25T10:13:53+00:00

When a borrower pledges his or her Fixed Deposit (FD) as collateral for a home loan, the bank or financial institution issues a Memorandum of Deposit (MOD). The terms and conditions of the FD and loan agreement are outlined in this legal document. Until I applied for a home loan, I did not know about MOD in bank loan.

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What is MOD in banking terms?

MOD full form in bank loan is a Memorandum of Deposit. Banks and other financial institutions frequently offer home loans against fixed deposits in India. The borrower pledges the FD as collateral for the loan, and the amount of the loan is paid out by the bank or other financial institution. The borrower receives the MOD as evidence that the FD was pledged as collateral.

What is included in MOD in housing loan?

The borrower's information, the FD, the loan amount, interest rate, repayment term, and other loan terms are all included in the MOD. Both the borrower and the lender are obligated to adhere to it because it is a legally binding document.

The borrower can take advantage of a lower interest rate when using an FD as collateral for a home loan. This is on the grounds that the FD goes about as security for the credit, and the bank has a lower hazard of default. In addition, the borrower can continue to earn interest on the FD, which typically exceeds the home loan's interest rate.

Is MOD mandatory for home loan?

It is essential to keep in mind that as long as the FD is pledged as collateral for the loan, the borrower is unable to withdraw it or use it. This means that until the loan is completely repaid, the borrower will not be able to access the funds in the FD for any unforeseen or emergency expenses.

A home loan's terms and conditions are outlined in a Memorandum of Deposit (MOD), a legal document that is secured by a fixed deposit. It contains information about the borrower, the FD, the loan amount, interest rate, repayment term, and other terms and conditions of the loan. It also serves as proof that the FD was pledged as collateral for the loan. While involving a FD as security for a home credit can assist borrowers with profiting of lower financing costs, it's critical to consider the failure to get to the assets until the credit is completely reimbursed.

This is MOD in bank loan.

Read More: What is LOD in home loan What is lender name in home loan?

My brother had been planning to build a new house on the plot we bought last year and thus went to the bank last month to avail a home loan. He did not know much about what needs to be done so asked the officials about home loans and got to know that apart from the documents, he will need to pay the MOD charge. That is when I got to know about MOD meaning in bank loan. It stands for Memorandum of Deposit, a charge that needs to be paid while applying for a loan.

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  What  does MOD state?

MOD Loan meaning is simple. It is a method of confirmation that one has deposited their property’s title deed to the bank as collateral. The charges remain the same- 0.1% to 0.5% but yes it differs from one state to another so you better ask about it before your loan gets sanctioned. 

It is more famous as Mortgage deed is generally executed when the bank sanctions the loans and provides money to the lender from the loan account in installments or at the time of registration of the property. MOD Mortgage has been made mandatory in all the banks so you cannot ignore it.

  Are the MODT charges refunded?

Yes. The lender must cancel the MODT (Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deed) once the debt is paid and issue a “Deed of Receipt”.


These answers must have made you understand the MOD meaning in bank loan quite well.

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What is Title Deed?

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