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What is pegging in building construction?

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2 Year


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1 2022-09-12T18:34:36+00:00

I can answer your query on what is pegging in building construction as I have recently read about it. Boundary pegs (also referred to as “lot pegs” or “survey pegs”) are placed on the corners or perimeter of the land boundaries of a property to physically mark out the land’s boundary. Property boundaries of the land are established through land surveys and are marked through boundary pegs. One can find their boundary pegs at ground level in their lot’s corners.

Often these survey pegs move or go missing over time, as they can get lost in the grass, soil, or removed entirely due to earthworks. As a result, they’ll be required to be re-pegged in replacement of the original pegs. I want you to know that it’s also a breach of the law for you to reposition or remove your survey pegs. Overall, re-pegging of the site and a re-establishment survey would be needed to establish land ownership or to redefine land boundaries. This is an important step that most developments need in the first stages of construction that are required to be executed accurately.

A few situations where these pegs are required:

  • Establishing lots in newly developed areas

  • Replacing or building a boundary fence where fence lines may have been shifted or lost

  • Constructing close to boundary lines

  • Selling or buying property

  • Establishing your restrictions and rights

  • Settling disputes that suspect any encroachment

This is all on the pegging meaning in construction.

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This is all on what is pegging in building construction.


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