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What is PRV in Plumbing?

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Hello there. I have been working with pipes for the past few years. Every time I visit a home, I ask them whether they have installed a PRV, and most of them say no. So, today I am going to share what is a PRV in plumbing and why you need to install it at your place. 

What is a PRV Plumbing?

PRV stands for Pressure Reducing Valve. But what does it do? Well, the PRV helps in minimising the incoming high pressure of water to a level which is safe for our home. The PRVs are usually installed on the main water line, which lies beside the shut-off valve.

Why is PRV a Necessity? 

Now that you know the meaning of PRV, you must be wondering why we actually need it in our households. Let me answer that as well.

  1. The first reason is that it safeguards your pipes and secures the plumbing fittings from bursting due to the high pressure of the water.

  2. By reducing the water pressure, it helps in increasing the life of your plumbing system and the appliances as they are not equipped to handle water flowing at a high pressure.

  3. This in turn helps you save money by increasing the longevity of your appliances.

So, I would like to wrap up my answer here. I hope this helps!

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0 2023-03-17T12:08:34+00:00

Hey there!

If you're wondering

what is PRV in plumbing

, My answer is for you. The plumbing in our homes are made from a complex system of piping and fixtures. PRV is an important fixture that controls the water pressure in your plumbing system.

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What is a water pressure reducing valve?

In simple words, water pressure reducing valve is a device that regulates the water pressure in pipes.It is usually installed on the main water line where water enters your home. It reduced the water pressure to a lower level.

PRV is the short form of pressure reducing valve. It is a crucial component of the water distribution system.The valve is not only used in  individual homes. It is used in commercial building as well. There are 2 types of PRV in plumbing. These are direct acting and pilot operated.

If you live in an area with naturally high water pressure, knowing pressure reducing valve meaning becomes important. Without a valve, the plumbing fixtures and appliances will be damaged.I read online that leaks, bursts, and flooding are possible hazards associated with high water pressure.

If you need more help with ‘what is PRV in plumbing’ and ‘Is the PRV in my house damaged?’ you should call a plumber.

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