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What is R1 zone in Hyderabad ?

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2 Year


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Hey friend,

If you have ever visited Hyderabad. you must have realised that the city is divided into different zones. I think there are two major zones and they are called the R1 zone in Hyderabad and R2 Zone. Both of them have different meanings. The zone is set by the state planning authority. Different types of land are allotted different zones. Keep reading to know more :

What is R1 zone in Hyderabad?

It is a type of residential zone in the city wherein the road congestion is less than 9m. For non- congested areas, 12m is allowed. There is a small number of commercial medical shops allowed in the zone. The construction of houses, bugles, old age homes, small community halls, small community halls, welfare centres, and gymnasia (up to 100 sqm ) are permissible in the zone. You cannot construct large commercial malls here. 


You can get to know details about the R1 zone in Hyderabad by checking the status of land online. 


Just open the Dharani website

- In the main menu, you will have to select the land status option. 

 - You will then have to select the district, and division from the list. 

 - Choose the village and Mandal of the area from the drop-down menu.

 - Lastly, you will have to choose between the Passbook number/Khata number/Subdivision number. 

 - Hit enter

 All the details about land and zone will be displayed on the screen. 

This is all from my end on the R1 zone in Hyderabad. I hope you like my answer.

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