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What is SBI Home Loan Interest Rate as per CIBIL Score?

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Applicants with the cibil score of 800 => are eligible for 9.15% home loan interest rate.

Applicants with the cibil score between 750 – 799, eligible for 9.25% home loan interest rate.

Applicants with the cibil score between 700 – 749, eligible for 9.35% interest rate.

Applicants with the cibil score between 650 – 699, eligible for 9.45% interest rate.

Applicants with the cibil score between 550 - 649, eligible for 9.65% interest rate.

NTC or no cibil score applicants, eligible for 9.35% home loan interest rate.

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0 2023-09-29T15:07:51+00:00

I see you want to know SBI home loan interest rate based on CIBIL score

. Well let me share a few details with you here.

The State Bank of India (SBI) home loan interest rate is based on several factors, including the applicant's CIBIL score. Applicants with higher credit scores are eligible for more favorable interest rates.


SBI home loan interest rate CIBIL score

are as follows:

  • Applicants with the CIBIL score of equal to or more than 800 are eligible for 9.15% home loan interest rate.

  • Applicants with the CIBIL score between 750 to 799 are eligible for 9.25% home loan interest rate.

  • Applicants with the CIBIL score between 700 to 749 are eligible for 9.35% home loan interest rate.

  • Applicants with the CIBIL score between 650 to 699 are eligible for 9.45% home loan interest rate.

  • Applicants with the CIBIL score between 550 to 649 are eligible for 9.65% home loan interest rate.

  • Applicants belonging to NTC or no CIBIL score are eligible for 9.35% home loan interest rate.

This is the list of SBI home loan interest rates as per CIBIL score


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