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What is Specimen Signature in Bank?

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If you want to understand

what is specimen signature in bank, let me help you out with it.

A document featuring a sample signature written by a person, held by a bank or another entity, allowing them to confirm that other signatures were likewise written by the same person (typically validated by a notary public or a lawyer).

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A copy of your handwritten name that a bank or any other entity retains to confirm that the handwriting on a check or other document is really yours: When I created an account with the bank, they required a sample signature.

What is the meaning of specimen signature?

A sample signature is one that is frequently provided by an employee as verification of the signer's identity and legitimacy. Documentary proof that the specific signature was made on the specified papers and tasks is provided by the specimen signature. Documents signed by a certain individual can be tracked back using their specimen signature. Each and every employee who is in charge of signing documents must have a sample signature on file. The specimen signatures are recorded in the signature log by the QA officer, or by his or her designee or nominee. 

Each time a new employee is employed, the signature log must be updated. The sample signatures must be entered in the signature and start columns as complete signatures and short signatures, respectively. If someone uses a single signature, the very same signature must be entered in both columns. The responsible division or section head must verify the partial or full signatures of his staff before submitting them to the QA department. While signing the documents, the employee must not alter the sample signatures. Details on any employee's hiring, resignation, or transfer to another location must be noted in the remark field, and records must be changed accordingly. In accordance with policy, the signature log is examined yearly.

I hope now you understand

what is specimen signature in bank.

Read More: How to Fill Specimen Signature Card for PF?

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