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What is Split Air Conditioner?

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We had a window AC in our house for ages. Just a few years ago we upgraded to a split AC system. I can tell you what is split air conditioner. A split AC is a type of AC that gets its name because it divides the parts of a conventional air conditioning system into two separate units: an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The compressor and condenser components are kept outside, whereas the distribution and filter components are kept inside the indoor unit.

What is Split AC System?

In a split AC, while the outdoor unit cools and circulates cold air into the inside unit, the indoor unit absorbs heat. Insulated tubes that pass through a tiny hole in the wall join the two units.
  • The costly ductwork found in central air systems is replaced by copper tubing connecting these two units.
  • Because of the flexibility of this copper tubing, homeowners may build a split-type system without having to do a lot of construction.
  • Like a central air system, these connections also allow you to manage several inside fans from one outside unit.

What is Split System Air Conditioning Pros and Cons?

I think in India, split-system air conditioners is the most widely used type of AC. Split systems do have certain drawbacks, though, particularly in bigger homes with open floor plans.
Pros of Split AC Cons of Split AC
Can be installed in selected rooms in optimum positions. The units can be unsightly sometimes.
Additional units can be added at any time. They struggle with larger rooms because they cannot push air very far.
Cheap to install. -
Cost-effective. -
Easy to maintain. -
Runs quietly and efficiently. -

How is a Split AC Different from a Window AC?

  • A window air conditioner is an all-in-one design, whereas a split-type air conditioner consists of two independent units.
  • This implies that a single unit houses the compressors, motors, connecting pipelines, and heat-exchanging components.
  • It's also crucial to remember that split-type air conditioners have additional installation options. Although window units often need a specific type and size of window and partially obstruct natural light when placed, the interior part of a split-type air conditioner may be mounted anywhere on the wall in a room, making it simple to blend in with any style of architecture.
I hope you understand what is split air conditioner. Get Your Split AC Serviced at the Most Affordable Rates With NoBroker AC Servicing. Read More: What is the Difference Between Split AC And Central AC?

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