My father-in-law bought residential land worth Rs 60 lakhs in Ashok Vihar Phase 3, but before finalising it, we surfed through an ample number of listings on NoBroker. On their website, they have provided several filters like price range, plot area, type of land, amenities and more to select from and invest in. The Ashok Vihar Phase 3 Gurgaon plot price starts from around Rs 3,968 per sq ft but will vary depending on factors like location, road connectivity, area and others.
What is the Minimum and Maximum Ashok Vihar Phase 3 Gurgaon Plot Price?
The Ashok Vihar Phase 3 Gurgaon plot rates vary depending on factors like:
Where the plot is located
Area of the plot
Amenities availability
Demand for plots in that particular area
Type of plot and others
But during our land hunting, we found that the minimum price of the plots in this location starts from Rs 3,968 per sq ft and the maximum can go up to Rs 33,908.
I will suggest you visit
NoBroker’s Plot portal
Select the location
Tap on Search and surf the plot listings in Ashok Vihar Phase 3 there.
You will find the rates and available plots there easily.
Read More:
What is the Cost of 1 Acre Land in Gurgaon?
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What is the Ashok Vihar Phase 3 Gurgaon Plot Price?
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2024-10-28T08:47:03+00:00 2024-10-28T08:47:06+00:00Comment