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What is the Assam electricity complaint number

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1 Year


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Hi there! I spent most of my childhood in Silchar, Assam. Long power cuts were like a daily dose for my area back in the day. It was difficult to find the Assam electricity complaint number as there was nothing like the internet 30 years ago. My father used to travel roughly 8-10 kilometres so as to reach the department and talk to the representative. 

Thankfully, in this modern age, we’ve instant access to electricity boards via the internet. I’ve faced my share of issues whenever I visit my hometown during the vacations. But the online availability of phone numbers has made it easy to have our concerns heard. 

However, a few contact details on the web browsers can be misleading. Hence, I would suggest you directly go on to the website of the state board. Ensure you keep your consumer number and subdivision number handy while registering a complaint. 

Assam electricity customer care number

Here’s the APDCL complaint number: 

  1. 1912 or 022-35296117 / 022-69132900

  2. APDCL WhatsApp Number: 7575999666

If you still wish for more assistance, I am mentioning the procedure for you to access the telephonic details online point-wise:

  1. Visit the

    official website

    of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL). 

  2. On the right side of the home page, you’ll find the menu section denoted as three horizontal lines. Click on the button.

  3. A drop-down menu will appear where you can find the contact link at the bottom.

  4. After clicking on ‘contact’, you’ll be directed to the page where all the contact information is listed. 

After following the fourth and final step, you’ll find various categories to connect with the people in charge. The page will provide the mobile number and mail address of key officials, zone, circle, division, subdivision, IRCA, T&C, and District-Wise AGM(Project).

With this, I hope that you’ll figure out the Assam electricity complaint number. 

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