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What is the charges for HMDA layout?

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If you live in Hyderabad, you must be aware of the frenzy of HMDA layout charges. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and Hyderabad Urban Development Authority look over the acquisition, planning, and development of 7 Districts, 70 Mandals, and 1032 Villages. Keep reading to know more. 

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People need to apply for HDMA approval to get development permission for their parcel of land. The applicant can apply for the same on the DPMS Website. You can apply for the same in the local municipal office as well. To get HMDA approval, the applicant needs to pay specific charges. 


Take a look at the table given below to get an idea about HMDA layout charges. The official order from HMDA is linked to each charge.


Charges To Be Levied

Orders No

Development charges for Total plot / Total site area: Total plot area/ total site area : x Rs.60/- per sq.m 

i) G.O.MS.NO. 223.MA &UD,Dt: 30/08/2016


ii) O.O.No:5425/Policy/P8/Plg/ HMDA/2011 Dt:10/05/2013.

Development charges for Total built up area: Total Built up area x Rs.100/- per sq.m 

Processing charges for total plot area/ total site area : Total plot area/ total site area : x Rs.10/- per sq.m 

i) O.O.No:5425/Policy/P8/Plg/ HMDA/2011.Dt:10/05/2013.


ii) Proc.NO:2419/P8/Plg/HMDA/2012,.Dt:21/03/2012.

Processing charges for Total built up area: Total Built up area x Rs.25/- per sq.m

Publication charges : Rs.5000/-

O.O.No:11111/P8/HUDA/97, Dt:18/08/1999 

Plot amalgamation / plot subdivision charges ,(if the proposal is having more than one plot or if the plot is subdivided ) Consolidation charges applicable @ Rs.10/- per sq.m or minimum of Rs.10,000/-(whichever is greater)

O.O.No:2419/P8/Plg/HMDA/2012, Dt:04/08/2012

If the work commenced on the the ground, 33% Compounding fee shall be levied 

Andhra Pradesh Ordinance No:15 of 2007, Dt:15/12/2007 

If Not Paid within the stipulated period to levy 10% interest per annum shall be collected for delay of payment

O.O.No:13148/MP2/HMDA/2008, Dt: 25/07/2009. 

Environment Impact Fee: (If built up area is more than 10,000 sft) Total Built Up Area and Allied services @ Rs. 3/- per Sq. ft 

i) G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 24.02.2016, 

ii) As per Letter No. 7022/M.I(1)/2016,.dt. 27.07.2016.


iii) Minutes of the Meeting of M.C., HMDA. held on 02.02.2017.

Processing Charges for revision of proposals : First Revision 15% , 2nd revision 20% ,3rd revision 25% and Subsequent Revision 25% Plus 10% for each subsequent revision.

O.O.No:8333/P8/Plg/HMDA/2012, Dt: 03/07/2013.

FSID Charges (Fire Service Infrastructure Development) : Total Built up area x Rs.3/- per sq.m from 12.0 mtrs height to 15.0 mtrs and Rs.5/- per Sq. mtr for above 15 mtrs to 30 mtrs. and Rs. 10/- for above 30.0 mtrs height.

Proc.NO:2297/misc/CDA/2006, Dt: 30/04/2006.

This is all from my end on HMDA layout development charges.

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What is DTCP approval?

What is R1 zone in Hyderabad ?   

How to a residential plot in a layout approved by HUDA/HMDA in Hyderabad

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