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What is the Difference Between Baffle Filter and Filterless Chimney?

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2 2023-09-15T08:27:58+00:00

I am pursuing a course in home interior. So many people asked me the difference between baffle filter or a filterless chimney. I was surprised to know that only a few individuals are aware of it. Let’s check out filterless vs baffle filter chimney below.

Baffle Filter or Filterless Chimney Which is Better?

According to me, the answer is "both." Kitchen chimneys utilise either baffle filters or filterless chimneys to eliminate smoke, grease, and odour from the air. However, their design and purpose are different.

Let’s check out the differences apart from what Arpita C has mentioned above:

Category  Baffle Chimney Filterless Chimney


Long Lasting

Durable but less than baffle chimney


Standard pricing

A little bit more costly initially, but ultimately more affordable 


Cleaning is required every three months, or every two years if it has an auto-clean feature.

Little to no maintenance is required

How it works

As opposed to conventional filters, aluminium or steel plates can assist in filtering oil, smoke, grease, etc.

When it comes to capturing and removing particles, motor suction power does all the job. 


Ideal for the busiest kitchens, mostly chosen by restaurant owners

Noiseless, efficient, and economical


Less noisy and more expensive than filterless

As it is not as heavy-duty as the baffle filter chimney, it is primarily intended for residential use. 

Baffle filters are perfect for heavy-duty cooking because they use a maze-like construction to collect grease and smoke particles. However, filterless chimneys use cutting-edge technology to remove airborne contaminants. The decision between the two is ultimately determined by your demands and preferences. I hope no you understand the difference between filter and filterless chimney.

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1 2022-10-20T09:32:54+00:00

My aunt has a little restaurant of her own but recently she was able to develop it and thus the renovation of the place was a must. The big question that arose was what type of chimney should be installed in the kitchen. Neither me or my family had any idea about it and when they asked us whether to choose a baffle filter or filterless chimney, our first question to them was

what is

baffle filter vs filterless chimney difference. Thank god uncle was there to help us. If you too are trying to know the difference between baffle filter and filterless chimney, let me guide you.

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  What is a baffle filter chimney?

A baffle chimney is a type of chimney made of stainless steel or aluminum. It helps grease saturated air to quickly and repeatedly change its direction and drain them into the filter. It thus has a great grease filtration and has a very low risk rate. It has several filters to filter the air hence it is very much effective.

  What is a filterless chimney?

Filterless chimneys are a type of chimney that do not have filters hence there is no need to remove the filters and clean them every time they get dirty. These filters are easier to clean and maintain and have the auto clean feature as well. 


What are the differences between these 2 chimneys?


Baffle Filter Chimney

Filterless Chimney

Have several filters to filter the air

Has no filter but cleans with the help of auto-clean feature

Best for kitchens where food preparation is done at a high rate

Best for kitchen where food preparation is at low rate

No such maintenance required

Require more maintenance than a baffle filter chimney

Expensive than a filterless chimney

Budget-friendly and lower in price than a baffle filter chimney


These are the main baffle filter vs filterless chimney differences.

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