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What is the Difference Between HVAC and AC?

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0 2024-03-22T19:41:24+00:00

Hi Sonal, I am an engineer and have worked on HVAC systems for a good period in my career. So, I can share the difference between AC and HVAC with you. HVAC is the full form for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. On the other hand, AC stands for air conditioning. I’ll share more details about these two below.


Often companies use AC and HVAC as interchangeable terms, mainly because the repair services they offer include both, cooling and heating. But, there are three main differences between the two. 


The HVAC system works with both heating and cooling.

Air conditioners only deal with cooling.

HVAC includes heat pumps, gas furnaces and even air conditioning units.

AC has a number of types, such as window, split, cassette, tower AC and more.

The HVAC system mainly works towards maintaining a comfortable environment inside the house.

The AC is used with the goal to cool the air in space.

This is all I have to share with you regarding the HVAC and AC differences. I hope this helps you understand the two better.

Improve your ACs Efficiency Via NoBroker AC Services! Some related information:

What is HVAC Meaning: What are HVAC components? 

0 2022-07-06T21:37:30+00:00

It can be challenging to tell the difference between HVAC and AC if you are not a trained specialist. They're both the same, right? Are furnaces included in HVAC systems? Is the term HVAC the same as AC? You're not the only one who becomes perplexed when they hear this jargon. But you should be aware that these abbreviations refer to the electric systems that control the temperature and cooling effect on your property. Additionally, you must also know

what is the difference between HVAC and AC and I am going to help you understand that.

Get your home equipped with proper AC or HVAC with the help of the professional electricians of NoBroker.

Before I tell you the difference between HVAC and AC, let me tell you what they actually are.

HVAC unit:

Heating, airflow, and air conditioning is referred to as HVAC. Your building's air is heated and cooled by an HVAC system, which also provides ventilation so that moisture can escape. Your HVAC system consists of your furnace, your air conditioner, and any ducting or vents used to let moisture out. 

AC unit:

The system created to chill the ambient air is called an air conditioner, or AC. To make things clear, the HVAC unit is designed to produce heat and drive moisture out of the vents, whilst the AC unit is designed to reduce the temperature.

HVAC vs AC : Component Difference

An HVAC system controls the temperature in homes and cleans the air in our rooms. On the other side, air conditioning is the main application for the air conditioner, also known as AC. The HVAC system as a whole has that component, which controls indoor air quality.

Therefore, AC only pertains to your air conditioner, whereas HVAC refers to the overall system. When the term "HVAC system" is used to describe a heating system or furnace, for instance, it can cause confusion. You don't need an HVAC system if you already have a great air conditioner but no dependable whole-home heating. All that the HVAC system is missing is the heating component! In this situation, installing a thermostat or heat pump makes a lot of sense. Using the phrase HVAC system makes perfect sense if you require a comprehensive refurbishment or installation of both heating and cooling.

HVAC vs AC : Functional Difference

The purpose of an air conditioning system is to control the air in the room. Through tubes, it radiates warm air from the dwelling and connects it to the exterior using evaporators and duct systems. It features a condenser that assists in reducing the temperature of hot air coming in from outside directing it into the household for cooling.

But on the other side, an HVAC system is a comprehensive piece of electrical machinery that is capable of handling all the jobs, including air conditioning, heating, cooling, and ventilation. Modern HVAC systems can monitor changes in temperature and weather and control air without your help. When we refer to the HVAC system, we mean all of the warming, conditioning, and exhaust vents that control the temperature and airflow in a building.

This is what can be said about

what is the difference between HVAC and AC. I hope you find it helpful.

Read More: What is HVAC System? How to Connect Stabilizer to AC?

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