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What is the difference between land acquisition act 1894 and 2013?

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Best Answer

The Land Acquisition Act of 1894 has been used widely for more than a century. But no big reforms have been made since its amendment. Thus, with the changing social, economic and political system this law became incompetent. 

Then, the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Act, 2013 was introduced. The authorities ensured that the basic rights of the general public were not violated while acquiring the land. New provisions were also introduced with the change in changing social, economic and political systems. Here is a quick

Land Acquisition Act 2013 summary in the form of a comparison table.

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Difference between Land Acquisition Act 1894 and 2013

Parameter Land Acquisition Act 1894 Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

Several provisions including development and housing projects, infrastructure etc. were there. 

No changes.

Consent from Affected People

No such clauses were there within the Act.

  • Consent of 70% people for Public Private Partnerships

  • Consent of 80%  displaced people for acquisition of private companies.

Social Impact Assessment

No Provision

Shall be taken for every acquisition.

Market Value
  • Intended/Planned use of land is expressly prohibited in determining the market value.

  • It is based only on the current use of land.

  • Value specified in the stamp duty.

  • The average of 50% recorded price in the vicinity in sale of land


Based on market value.

  • Two times the market value in Urban areas

  • Four times the market value in Rural areas.

Rehabilitation and Resettlement

No provision

  • It is necessary for all affected families

  • Minimum value to be provided to each family plus employment to the affected family.

Food Security

No provision

  • Acquiring multi-crop land is only the last resort. 

  • If acquired under special circumstances, it is the States' duty to cultivate an equal area of land elsewhere.

This should brief you about the new Land Acquisition Act and give you a quick Land Acquisition Act 2013 summary.

Read more:

What is Land Acquisition Act 1894

What is Land Acquisition Act

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