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What is the Difference Between Stilt Floor and Ground Floor?

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10 months


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Hi there. I am aware of the stilt floor and ground floor difference as I live in a building with a stilt floor. You can simply differentiate between stilt and ground floor based on their structure and usage. Stilt is a parking and storage space, while the ground floor acts as a clear path to enter and exit the building. I will tell you more about this below.

Stilt Floor vs Ground Floor

Below, I am sharing the difference between slit and ground floors.




It is an elevated platform used for parking and storing goods.

It lies level or slightly above the actual ground. It is laid directly on the ground.

It can’t be accessed directly from the ground floor.

It provides easy access into and out of the building.

It provides space utilisation and works well in buildings facing a land shortage. 

It provides a habitable space with lesser space utilisation.

Stilt and ground floors have their advantages and the decision to opt for one should be made by considering the needs of the building, the surroundings and the residents. I hope this helps you.

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Stilt Floor House vs Ground Level House Advantages and Disadvantage

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The functions of the stilt floor and ground floor in building construction are different. Commonly referred to as a raised floor or

stilt floor

, these spaces are normally raised above the ground to accommodate extra living quarters, storage or parking. It provides improved ventilation and views while reducing the risk of flooding. On the contrary, the


is constructed immediately on the ground level and is typically where the primary living areas, facilities and entrances are found. Although it's conveniently located, it might be more vulnerable to moisture, insects and security issues. Though they both enhance a building's usefulness, the decision between the two is influenced by other elements such as site circumstances, legal mandates and architectural preferences.

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The main stilt floor and ground floor difference lies in their elevation above the ground level. Even though a building has both a ground floor and a stilt floor, the ground floor is usually used for living or commercial spaces and is easily accessible from the ground level, while the stilt floor is elevated above the ground level and frequently has additional uses like parking or flood protection.

What is the Difference Between Stilt Floor and Ground Floor?

You can go through this table to know the difference between stilt floor vs ground floor;

Feature Stilt Floor Ground Floor


Raised by pillars or columns above the ground

Accessible directly from ground level


Often used for parking, storage, or flood protection

Contains living spaces or commercial areas


Non habitable portion of the building

Contains habitable spaces


Requires supporting columns or pillars

Built directly on the ground


Less susceptible

More susceptible

I believe this table helps you understand the difference between stilt and ground floor.

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Read More:

What is Stilt Floor? 

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