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What is the election procedure of cooperative society in Maharashtra?

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co-operative society election procedure

in Maharashtra is governed by the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act. The act provides detailed guidelines for the election process, including the appointment of an unbiased individual as a returning officer, the declaration of the election program, the last date for making nominations, and the announcement of the date of nominations’ scrutiny.

Here are the steps involved in the

election procedure of co-operative housing society in Maharashtra


  1. The managing committee or provisional committee declares the initial procedures to the voters at least three months before the election date.

  2. The society appoints an unbiased individual as a returning officer for carrying out the voting procedures.

  3. The last date to make nominations is announced five days from the date when the program is declared.

  4. A list of nominations received is put on the notice board as received till the last date decided to make nominations.

  5. The next day of the last date for making nominations, the date of nominations’ scrutiny is announced.

  6. The list of valid nominations is announced after scrutiny.

  7. The date by which candidates can withdraw their nomination is announced (it’s generally within 15 days).

  8. After that, the final list of contesting candidates is revealed.

  9. The returning officer announces the place and time to conduct the election (it is generally within 7 to 15 days).

  10. The place, date, and time for counting of votes are announced (it is done 3 days after).

  11. After counting votes, the result date is announced.

It’s important to note that every process must be published on the society’s notice board within ten days of showing the final list of voters.

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4 2023-01-24T07:25:47+00:00

As I stay in a cooperative housing society, I have witnessed the housing society election procedure. I agree entirely with the co-operative housing society election rules that are mentioned in the previously-mentioned answers.

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The society election process is governed by the Model Bye-Laws, which provide that one of the main conditions for a member's ineligibility to run in an election is if he fails to pay society dues within three months after receiving written notice of the default.

Any Associate Member for whom the Original Member has not issued a No-Objection Certificate and who has joint ownership but whose name does not appear first on the Share Certificate is ineligible to object to the Election.

Such limitations do not apply to proposers or seconders, who are free to propose and support as many candidates as they like, regardless of whether they have fallen behind on payments or are in arrears.

For the cooperative society election rules Maharashtra, the principle followed is one man one vote. An elected governing committee of a cooperative society is in charge of making decisions. The ability to vote allows members the opportunity to select the individuals who will make up the managing committee, which gives the cooperative organisation a democratic aspect.

I’d conclude my discussion here about the co-operative housing society election rules. I hope this helps:)

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4 2022-05-30T21:14:54+00:00

Hey Pal,

Living in a housing society makes life more fun. You can always spend time with your neighbours. It has some logical advantages as well such as better safety and network. When you live in a housing society, you will have to participate in a cooperative society election. You can become a candidate or a voter. I will share more details below. 

All the information about becoming a member, registration, duties, privileges, and co-operative society election rules are mentioned in the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act. I also read you need a minimum of ten people to form an association of cooperative society. All associations will need to be registered with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

An election is conducted to select the president of the society. Here are a few cooperative housing society election rules.

  • If a member is unable to pay dues to society, they wil

    l be considered a defaulter. Defaulters are not allowed to contest elections. 

  • The election will be conducted every five years.

  • Societies need to produce proper documentation for the government. If there are faulty documents, a fine of Rs 25,000 will be incurred.

  • The Managing Committee needs to declare the initial procedures at least three months before the election 

  • Proposers can nominate multiple candidates.

  • The election needs to be conducted with proper adherence to rules and regulations. A voting officer will be appointed for the purpose. 

  • The results will be announced as soon as the votes are counted. 

Disqualification :
  • If someone rents their house without informing the housing society, they will not be eligible to contest the election

  • If a member does not attend three consecutive monthly meetings of the Committee. They will be ineligible and disqualified from the housing society. 

  •  Associate members are not allowed to contest without a No-Objection Certificate from an original member.

 This is all from my end on the cooperative society election. 

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6 2021-12-03T16:37:47+00:00
Hi, I live in a cooperative society so I know about the election procedure of cooperative society in Maharashtra. The Managing Committee ( or the Provisional one if the election is being conducted for the 1st time) declares the initial procedures to the voters by at least 3 months before the election date. Society appoints an unbiased individual as Returning Officer for carrying out the Voting Procedures. Check out the process:
  • Declaring the election program
  • The last date to make nominations is announced five days from the date when the program is declared
  • A list of nominations received is put on the notice board as received till the last date decided to make nominations
  • The next day of the last date for making nominations, the date of nominations’ scrutiny is announced
  • Next day, the list of valid nominations is announced after scrutiny.
  • The date by which the candidates can withdraw the nomination is announced (it’s generally within 15 days)
  • After that, the final list of contesting candidates is revealed
  • The Returning Officer announces the place and time to conduct the election (it is generally within 7 to 15 days)
  • The place, date, and time for counting of votes is announced (it is done 3 days after)
  • After counting votes, the result date is announced
Don’t forget to publish every process on the society’s Notice Board within 10 days of showing the final list of the voters. The voting is conducted by secret ballot in case the paid-up share capital of your society exceeds Rs. 10000. During the voting time,  every member is shown an empty ballot box before they cast their vote. After that, the Ballot Box is sealed in front of everyone and every document/vote related to the Election is stored safely by the Secretary who then destroys them after 3 months. The newly elected committee is handed over the charge by the current committee. This is about the election procedure of cooperative society in Maharashtra. Read more: What is the society registration process in Maharashtra How many members are required to form a cooperative society? How to register cooperative society in India? How to dissolve a housing society managing committee? How to fill vacancy in managing committee of housing society?  

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