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What is the Land Rates in Keesara Hyderabad?

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The land rates in Keesara Hyderabad highly vary based on factors like where is the property located, the size of the plot, connectivity and others. I am well aware of the residential land rates there as I have bought a property in Keesara so I can share some details about this topic.

What are the Land Rates in Keesara?

I checked several properties in Keesara so let me share some insights about the pricing in this location:

Location  Price  Area 

SRL Nethra Enclave

Rs 33.4 lakhs 

1503 sqft

Crescent City 

Rs 29.2 lakhs 

1647 sq ft 

Divi Meadows 

Rs 72 lakhs 

1800 sq ft 

These are some precise locations and land rates you can check out to invest in. Here is another list of residential land rates as per their sizes:

Size  Price 

1080 sq ft

Rs 34.2 lakhs 

1800 sq ft 

Rs 38 lakhs 

1350 sq ft

Rs 35 lakhs 

1269 sq ft 

Rs 36 lakhs 

1575 sq ft 

Rs 22.8 lakhs 

1899 sq ft 

Rs 39 lakhs 

I would suggest you check the prices on


. They have genuine listings of properties in Keesara Hyderabad so you can easily get an idea about the land rates there.

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