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What is the minimum balance in Indian bank ?

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Indian Banks allow different types of investors to invest in different savings accounts. The interest rates for savings accounts are around 3.5%. Along with a good interest rate other services such as ATM transactions, net banking, and more are free to attract customers. Since India Bank offers so many services let us learn what is the minimum balance in Indian bank savings account.

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What is the minimum balance to maintain in Indian Bank?

There are different types of savings accounts in Indian Bank and each savings account’s minimum balance is different. Let me share with you some Indian bank account minimum balance.

Type of Savings Account

Average Monthly Balance

Savings Bank Account

Rs. 500

IB Smart Kid

Rs. 100

SB Platinum – Savings Bank Platinum Account

For individuals: Rs. 750,000 per month and for Non-individuals: Rs. 1,000,000

Indian Bank – Sammaan


IB Mahila Shakti for Women

Rs. 1000

IB Kishore: Savings Bank Account for Minors


Indian Bank GenX for the Vibrant Youth

Rs. 1000

Indian Bank Salaam – Special Account for Defence Personnel


Savings Bank Account for Pensioners


Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT) Savings Bank Account


Small Account


SB for Students under Government Scholarship and SB for Direct Benefit Transfer


SB for Central/ State Government/ Consular Office & IND PFMS


IB Corp SB: Payroll Package Scheme for Salaried Class


Now, these are details I was able to share about what is the minimum balance in Indian Bank. I hope you find this informative.

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