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What is the Process for Disqualification of Managing Committee?

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11 months


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The process for disqualification of a managing committee member depends on the bye-laws of the society. As per Bye-law No. 125 (b) para 2 and 3, the removal of a managing committee member is done by notice called by 1/3 members of the managing committee, but passed by 2/3 members of the managing committee members, under the chairmanship of either Deputy Registrar or by an officer not less than Assistant Registrar. If a member of the committee attracts any of the disqualifications under bye-law no. 119 (1), the committee shall record the fact in the minutes of its meeting and the Secretary of the Society shall inform the member and Registrar accordingly. Such member shall cease to be the member of the managing committee on the order of the Registrar. If there is no objection and no member has any appeal against a resolution, the order will be passed after 2-3 months. If someone raises any objection, the order cannot be in effect till the appellate steps.

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