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What is the Rohini Sector 24 Plot Price?

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Hi, I can share the Rohini Sector 24 plot price with you. I was looking for a plot in the same area a while ago and visited different plots after checking them online. Out of all the properties, I can say that the starting price for a plot is around Rs. 3,400 per sq. ft. The land rate goes as high as Rs. 48,000 per sq. ft. depending on certain aspects. Let me give you a few listings to help with the pricing.

What is the Rohini Sector 24 Plot Rate?

Here are a few property listings I came across, that will give you a fair idea of the current plot rates in Rohini Sector 24.


Rate Per Sq. Ft.

Plot in Rwa in Pocket 18

Rs. 43,895

Plot In Dda Land In Pocket 18

Rs. 48,437

Plot near DPS in Rohini Sector 24

Rs. 46,666

Plot in SG Marg Pocket 14

Rs. 8,025 

Plot in Sector 24, near Adarsh Hospital

Rs. 11,232

So, these are some of the listings. Remember, the land rate has a lot of variables attached to it. Moreover, the price of a plot can change based on certain factors. Let me tell you about those.

  1. Location: The exact location of the plot matters. A clean, well-developed area with good road connectivity leads to increased value of plots.

  2. Area: The area of the property is another aspect. A well-maintained, huge plot can have a higher per sq. ft. rate.

  3. Market Trends: The market rate is another thing that comes into play. Go through the current market rate to determine whether a plot is worth it or not.

This is all about the plot rate in Rohini Sector 24. I hope it helps.

Get Plots for Sale in Rohini, Sector 24, Delhi at Zero Brokerage Via NoBroker! Some related information:

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