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What is Urban Land Ceiling act?

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2 2022-05-17T10:17:39+00:00
Best Answer

Ms. Charu Grover has very well pointed out what is ULC meaning. But I would like to add a few more things to just give you an overall idea of this act which came into being decades ago. Let’s start by acknowledging ULC full form, i.e. Urban Land Ceiling act. I would like to focus mainly on why ULC came into existence in the first place. Please take a look at the reasons I am enlisting below:

  • To curb land exploitation in terms of distribution and acquiring in the hands of a few handful riches

  • To enable common welfare by making land available for general and common public

  • There was a trend of building luxury complexes using rare building materials which needed to be stopped, hence ULC act came into play

  • India was a poor country and needed a good transformation. Through ULC, the idea was to maintain uniformity in the efforts to urbanise the country.

This should give you the Urban Land Ceiling Act summary.

As of today, I read a news report where it was mentioned that approximately 12 states have changed the land ceiling laws which favour industry more than the farmers. This is a sad situation I would say as the primary motive of bringing balance into the land holding and acquisition in the society is lost in this sense. States including Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and West Bengal made various amendments in the ULC act.

Well, this is all I had for you on ULC land meaning and ULC full form.

Check legal documents and scrutinise property papers before buying a property with the help of NoBroker experts Read more: What is Land Acquisition Act What is Land conversion

My father always tells me that since Independence, one of the very first issues that our country faced was that of land reforms. You must already know that our economy is majorly based on the agricultural sector. That is why it was one of the key tasks of the government back then, to ensure that agricultural land parcels were not occupied by a few wealthy sections of the society. They wanted to ensure that land is equally distributed among the different sections of the society. That is why Urban Land Ceiling Act was introduced. Let me explain to you ULC order meaning.

ULC full form in real estate

To ensure that the distribution of land parcels is equal, land reform makes it necessary to redistribute land parcels. For this, government take additional land from big holdings and then distribute the land among the small landholders or people with no land. This is done to minimise this inequality and this goal is achieved through the Land Ceiling Act.

The full form of ULC is Urban Land Ceiling Act. This act was passed to put a cap or ceiling on the amount of land that a particular business or individual can own. This allows the government to make sure that land parcels are distributed equally between the landless. Even though this goal is far-fetched and will take a lot of time to get fully accomplished, there are regular amendments in the act to ensure that the goals are in line. This is Urban Land Ceiling Act meaning.

Legal peace of mind made easy with NoBroker's expertise. Read More: What is Land Ceiling Act in India? How much land can a person own in India? Can NRI Buy Agricultural Land in India?
3 2021-06-17T15:11:47+00:00

Land is the limited resource available in the country. Due to limited availability this creates tension between the people of a particular region. The scarcity of land in the cities  hampers the development process. To avoid this issue the government of India has introduced The Urban Land Ceiling Act 1976. Let’s read further about

what is urban land ceiling act.

What is ULC Act?

Under this act a person is liable to hold only a limited area of land.  Land ceiling means fixed quantum of land a person can hold.

Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act 1976

This act was brought into action to put a limitation on the vacant land owned by the private company, single person or families in the urban areas.  The idea behind this act was to prevent concentration of land in the hands of a few wealthy owners. Under ULC act if the person exceeds  the land ceiling limit that area will be

taken over by the ULC Authorities.

Land exemption under ULC Act 1976 
  • Land exemption for industrial purposes

Under land ceiling act the lands which are taken for industrial purposes can be exempted by giving 15% of the current annual scheduled rates for the total exempted land.

  • Land exemption for agricultural purposes 

Under land ceiling cat the land which are used for agricultural purposes can be exempted by paying

one time premium at the rate of 10% of current annual scheduled rates for the total exempted land.

This act was repealed in 1999 due to several issues such as the purpose of the act itself not being fulfilled. Also this act had created a shortage of land in the city and increased the number of slums in the urban cities.

The land which is easily available became scarce in the present scenario due to the excess area of slums in the urban areas as slums are built on the vacant government lands. 

Then to cure this problem the government of India came up with the housing for all scheme under PMAY by 2022. The objective of the scheme is to provide a pakka house for the citizens of the country and to reduce the area of slums.

This is all about what is ulc and hope your query is resolved about

Urban Land Ceiling Act.

Take a look at the timeline of the Land Ceiling Act.

Who is eligible for PMAY subsidy?

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