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What Is Western Union Money Transfer?

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Transferring money might sound easy in this digital world but if the person is far away from India then things get a bit difficult. Western Union is a US company that helps in sending money to other countries and other financial services. I was not aware of what is Western Union Money Transfer or its importance until my father shared these details with me. A US company sent money to my father’s company in India and the international transaction happened within 5 days. So let me share with you what I got to learn about it.

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What is Western Union Money Transfer meaning?

In India Western Union Money Transfer is like a gateway to send or receive money from other nations. All currencies or their values are not the same but Western Union Money Transfer helps to make these transactions easy and smooth. The maximum amount is $ 2000 USD but if you want to send or receive more, you can do that by doing smaller transactions. 

  How to get money from Western Union?

People often ask their respective banks about it but the answer can be told by the Western Union agent near your location. You will have to provide him all the details about the transfer like:

  • Country

  • Sender’s name

  • Amount of money and more

You will also have to show your ID and you will get the money after the verification is done.


I hope this answers your query on

what is western union money transfer

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