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What Should be the Height of Chimney from Gas Stove?

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A kitchen chimney, you know, is essential equipment that guarantees a hygienic and safe cooking environment besides adding aesthetic appeal. So, during renovation, I researched the ideal chimney installation height from gas stove. I found it should be between 26 and 32 inches. However, it depends on the several factors which I shared below for your reference.

What is the Distance Between Chimney and Gas Stove?

A chimney above a gas stove is primarily used to safely release any hazardous gasses or fumes created during cooking. In order to efficiently extract these gases from the cooking area and release them into the atmosphere, the chimney's height should be adequate. 

  • A number of considerations need to be taken into account when deciding how high a chimney should be placed above a gas burner. Some include the kind of gas stove being used, the distance from the roofline, and local building standards.

  • There should be 26 to 32 inches between the stove and the chimney. The oil in the collectors may catch fire and cause an explosion in the chimney if the gas stove is started without a utensil on the burner and there is less than 26 inches between the two.

I hope you understand the standard height of chimney from gas stove.

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During the renovation of my kitchen, I noticed that the renovators were taking measurements before installing the chimney. They were measuring the height difference between the countertop and the chimney. I asked them what they were doing, and one person told me that it was necessary to determine the standard height of kitchen chimney to ensure effective capture of the smoke. Following that, he provided me with a list and some insight into the factors. 

What is the Standard Height of Kitchen Chimney?

The renovator told me that the ideal height between a stove and a chimney is between 4 and 30 inches from the cooktop. Following that, he also shared a list of different heights according to the type of cooktop. I have added the list below. 

Type of Cooktop

Approx Height

Electric Cooktops

24 - 26 inches

Gas Cooktops

26 - 30 inches

Here are some of the insights that he shared with me to ensure proper chimney installation.

  • The chimney should be at an appropriate height to capture all the smoke and spices in case of heavy frying. 

  • The chimney should cover the whole cooktop to catch all the smoke. 

  • For tall people, the chimney should be at a height where they can work efficiently without bumping their heads. 

And that’s all he told me about the kitchen slab to chimney height. I hope this helps. 

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0 2024-01-24T10:22:41+00:00

My father had installed a chimney because my mother had been facing a lot of health issues due to the fumes and smoke. Soon we realised that the issues were still persistent because the chimney was not installed at the correct height. The chimney height from gas stove is supposed to be approximately 26-30 inches. Our chimney was placed 45 inches from the stove which is why the smoke wasn’t getting eliminated easily.

Minimum Height Between Chimney and Gas Stove

There is a Golden Rule: Remember the three C's – Clearance, Comfort, and Cooktop. I will explain it further to you.

  • Clearance

    : The minimum height of kitchen chimney from gas stove should be 26-30 inches. It is like a safety bubble that keeps flames and heat away from the chimney, preventing potential fire hazards. 

  • Comfort

    : You should also make sure the chimney height doesn't obstruct your headspace while cooking. 30 inches is generally comfortable for most people, but adjust it based on your height and preference.

  • Cooktop

    : You should also consider the type of cooktop you have. Gas burners generate more heat and fumes, so ensure a minimum of 26 inches clearance. Electric chimney height from gas stove should be around 24 inches.

Pro-Tips for Height Between Chimney and Gas Stove

  • Duct Length

    : If your chimney has long ductwork, you might need a slightly higher hood placement to improve suction power. 

  • Hood Width

    : Choose a chimney hood that's at least as wide as your cooktop for optimal coverage. 

  • Adjustable Chimneys

    : Some chimneys offer height adjustments, giving you flexibility based on your cooking style and comfort.

By following these tips and remembering the Golden C's, you'll be well on your way to choosing the perfect chimney height for your kitchen. 

Get 25% off and hob/chimney free with NoBroker Interior service. Read More: Which Chimney is Best for Indian Kitchen?
1 2023-08-08T21:04:28+00:00

One thing I learned from my last rented house was that a proper distance between chimney and stove is very important to guarantee successful smoke extraction from the kitchen. I faced many problems in my last house because of the inappropriate height of the chimney. So, I decided to ensure I made the chimney in my own house of the correct height. 

The ideal chimney height from platform depends upon a few factors, like the kind of cooking, kitchen size, and the suction capacity of the chimney. Here are a few common rules that govern the distance between chimney and gas stove:

  • Recommended Height: The suggested height for a chimney over a gas stove is commonly around 24 to 30 inches (roughly 2 to 2.5 feet) from the gas stove surface. This height is most suitable for catching the maximum amount of smoke and cooking exhaust.

  • Hood Width: The width of the chimney hood must be equivalent to or more than the width of the gas stove to guarantee proper ventilation.

  • Duct Length: If the chimney has a ducted framework, the length of the duct must be very small and it should be direct to decrease the resistance of air and increase suction power.

  • Suction Capacity: The suction capacity of the chimney must be proper for the kitchen size and cooking methods to eliminate smoke and any bad smell from the kitchen.

  • Hood Placement: The chimney hood must be situated halfway over the gas stove to cover the whole cooking area.

I must tell you that it is crucial that you adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines and local construction regulations while installing the chimney. I hope this helps you understand the distance between chimney and stove.

Redesign your space with NoBroker's expert interior design solutions. Rent appliances from NoBroker to stay safe from spending extra money. Read More: What is the Difference Between Baffle Filter and Filterless Chimney? Which Chimney is Best Duct or Ductless? Which Chimney is Best for Indian Kitchen?

When I was renovating my new house, I realized the importance of knowing the correct chimney height in kitchen. I had no idea that there had to be an ideal height between the chimney and the stove. And when I came to know about it, I actually thought it would be a really tedious task to calculate the height of the chimney from the gas stove. But when my contractor showed me the process to calculate the height, I understood how easy it is to calculate it. I will share with you the process here, but before that let me tell you why the height of a chimney is such an important factor and what should be the correct height for the same.

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Why is the kitchen chimney height from stove so important?

The height of the chimney is such an important factor because it serves the crucial purpose of venting out hot air from the kitchen to the outside of your home. So, if you think about it, you will understand that if the chimney is not at an appropriate height from the gas stove, it may catch fire from the stove.

But to prevent the chimney from catching fire, if you install the chimney really far away from the gas stove, it will fail to serve the entire purpose of a chimney. The chimney will be so far away that it will be way too difficult for the chimney to draw the hot air out of the kitchen. As a result, the efficiency of the chimney will suffer. 

That is why the ideal height of chimney from gas stove is so crucial.

What should be the correct chimney installation height?

Now to understand the correct height of a chimney from the gas stove, you should understand the different factors involved. The kind of stove that you have is a big determinant. The other factor is the suction power of the chimney.

I will share with you the ideal height of a chimney from different types of gas stoves so that you understand at what height chimney should be fixed.

Types of Gas Stoves

Ideal Height from Chimney

Gas Stoves

24 to 30 inches

Induction cooktop

21 to 30 inches

Electric stove

21 to 30 inches

I hope now you understand about chimney height in kitchen.

Read More: Which chimney brand is better - Elica, Faber or Hindware? How to clean Elica Chimney?
I have installed a new Elica chimney in my kitchen last month. The technician said that the ideal height should be 24-30 inches to ensure enough gap as well as high suction. Hope this helps :)
2 2022-07-27T23:05:49+00:00
When I planned to purchase a kitchen chimney for my kitchen design, I ensured one thing. It is that the chimney is the proper decision depending on its height, vacuum capacity, and the measurements of the stove. The following guide will help you with the chimney height from stove. Design your kitchen in the most convenient way by hiring designers from NoBroker. Keep your kitchen neat and clean by calling professional cleaners from NoBroker.

What is the standard height of chimney from kitchen platform?

This work could seem quite simple at first. But let me warn you that picking the incorrect placement height for your kitchen chimney setup could have significant effects on you. Another formula for fire is sometimes too close to a stove or chimney. Additionally, it may decrease the chimney's ability to draw air ineffectively. Because of this, I informed you that a kitchen chimney's placement height is a crucial consideration. When you install a kitchen chimney, there are numerous factors to take into account. For reference, the ideal kitchen chimney height is up to 30 inches above the stove. Based on other characteristics, you can split this into two categories. It goes from 22 inches to 26 inches to 30 inches. Don’t worry, the user guide that is provided with a chimney when you purchase one specifies the necessary installation height. By using the features listed below, you may determine what should be the height of chimney from gas stove. What factors affect the chimney height? 1) Design of stove If you're using a gas stove, ensure the kitchen chimney is at least 26 inches high because anything less can be hazardous. The chimney may burn up because of its low height, which allows it to drag in the fire. 2) Folds in chimneys and vents length You might be aware of one thing. A chimney's ventilation is significantly impacted by the size and the number of bends of the vents it uses. You can decrease the height of the chimney to work well in this situation. 3) Suction Power of Chimney Another element that is influenced by a chimney's height is its suction power. Its suction force will indeed be high if you maintain the proper spacing between the chimney and the stove. You can now consider this answer to know about the chimney height from stove. Read More: How to install a chimney in the kitchen? What is the best chimney in the Indian market? How to clean the chimney at home? How to cover chimney pipe in the kitchen?  

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