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What to Do if AC Smells Like Burning?

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1 Answers

5 months


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The burning smell from air conditioner can damage the entire product and cause serious harm so it's better you report it ASAP. When it happened to us a couple of years ago, we called a professional and learned that the overheating of the motor generated the smell. He replaced it and the unit started working fine without any smell after that.

When Does Air Conditioner Smells Like Burning Plastic?

There can be several reasons why you get a burning smell from your AC. Here is a list of reasons and solutions for AC unit burning smell:

Reasons  Solutions 

Electrical Issues

Fix or completely replace the faulty wiring or components.

Overheating Motor

Lubricate or replace the motor as necessary 

Accumulation of excessive dust and Debris

Clean the unit and change the air filters.

Burnt-out Capacitor

Replace the capacitor and install a new one

Growth of Mould or Mildew

Clean the ducts and ensure proper drainage.

Overheating of Plastic Components 

Replace melted or overheated parts.

Blocked Airflow

Clean the blocks in vents and ducts.

Worn-out Fan Belt

Replace the fan belt and install a new one 

These are the general causes and solutions for burning the smell from an AC unit. This is a serious issue so you better hire a professional.

Get Your AC Inspected and Repaired through NoBroker at an Affordable Cost 

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