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What To Do When One Flatmate Leaves?

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1 Year


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A challenging situation arises when roommates sign a lease and one of them wants to leave before the conclusion of the term. In the ideal situation, they would have a roommate agreement in place that specifies how to manage the situation. The best scenario for a roommate leaving early is to get the landlord's approval before breaking the lease or finding a suitable substitute to take over for the remainder of the term. The remaining housemates, who are sometimes left wondering what to do when one flatmate leaves, are periodically put in a precarious position when a roommate casually breaches the agreement and vacates.

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The landlord is not required to reimburse a portion of the security deposit if one tenant vacates the rental unit early if the tenants are cohabiting and each contributed a portion of it. Normally, the security deposit is only refunded at the end of the lease. Even if one of the original tenants has already moved out, the landlord must issue checks payable to all original tenants listed on the lease when the security deposit is refunded at the end of the term.

If the landlord does consent to a partial early refund of the security deposit, this consent should be documented in writing.

A roommate agreement could be made by tenants to outline what would happen to the security deposit if one roommate left early.

When one flatmate leaves who will give security to him?

Whether the roommates (tenants) are all parties to the primary lease (signed the lease jointly by each roommate) or only one roommate is the prime lessee and all the other roommates are on a sublease (written or implied) to the prime lessee could determine whether this is the case.

Additionally, it relies on what the lease's provisions state in this regard. The terms of the leasing contract take precedence if it is addressed therein. It might depend on who the lease agreement is with if it is not covered.

You are probably all equally and severally accountable for the whole price of the lease if all roommates have signed the lease agreement. Each roommate is responsible for the whole amount of the unpaid share if one roommate fails to pay his fair part.

I’d like to conclude here as I believe this answer suffices your query, what to do when one flatmate leaves. I hope this helps:)

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