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What to Do With Old Wallpaper?

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2 Year


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If you have old wallpaper at home or leftover wallpaper, you can come up with several use cases for them. Few months back, I spent weekends researching what to do with old wallpaper. I am going to mention several ideas below. 

What To Do With Old Wallpaper on Walls?

  • One creative idea I tried was transforming old wallpaper into unique and stylish drawer liners. I cut the wallpaper into pieces that fit my drawers and used adhesive to attach them. This gave the interior of my drawers a new fresh look.

  • Another fun idea was to create bookmarks. I cut the wallpaper into strips, then laminated them to make durable and eye-catching bookmarks. 

  • I also experimented with making decorative coasters. By cutting the wallpaper into squares and fixing them on wooden bases, I created a set of coasters that were stylish. To protect the wallpaper, I covered it with an acrylic sealant.

  • I also used the old wallpaper to cover the backs of bookshelves. This gave the shelves an eye-catching color and pattern and made my collection of books stand out.

Reusing old wallpaper gives it a new life and allows you to get creative and spend hours working on it as a hobby. 

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How To Remove Wallpaper From Wall?

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If you get excited with old wallpaper at your home, I understand your excitement. I get way too excited for them too. I have a small craft business of my own so I know of many uses of wallpaper. And I am going to share many such uses with you. So, please continue reading.

Get unique and quirky ideas of making use of old wallpaper from the interior decorators you hire for your home renovation from NoBroker.

What to Do With Old Wallpaper

  1. Frame the Leftover Wallpaper: This is one of the easiest wallpaper diy projects. You can just frame the leftover wallpaper and put it up on your wall. It gives a very vintage and elegant look to the walls.

  2. Wallpaper a Dresser: It's a lot of fun to cover an old dresser with scrap wallpaper. It's a much faster and easier alternative to sanding, priming, painting, and sealing. 

  3. Line the Back of a Shelf: Make the back of a kitchen cabinet more interesting by using some of that remaining bespoke panel. Remove the door to create an open shelf if you like how it appears.

  4. Wallpaper your Refrigerator: This is one of the more daring wallpaper installations I've seen utilising only one roll or fewer.

  5. Wallpaper Your Door: To cover the width of the door, one and a half rolls of leftover wallpaper will suffice.

  6. Make a Sign: Take a piece of plywood and cover it with the wallpaper you have left over. Then, for a fun and whimsical DIY wall hanging, add some text or your Harry Potter-style house crest.

  7. Add Interest to Your Desk with Wallpaper: You can give your desk drawer a little personality with very little material.

  8. Mix and Match Paint and Wallpaper on a Shelf: If you don't have quite enough leftover wallpaper to do the project you have in mind, don't be afraid to mix in a little paint to the equation. 

  9. Cover the Top of a Table with Wallpaper: While we wouldn't recommend using it on a high-traffic area like a kitchen counter, covering a side table is a simple DIY that is a fantastic way to repurpose your unused wallpaper.

These are a few uses of wallpaper that I know of. D tell me if you know some other tricks with leftover wallpaper.

Read More: How to Choose Wallpaper for Bedroom? How to remove Wallpaper from Wall?

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