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What to Keep in Wallet to Attract Money?

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39 2021-07-21T17:59:53+00:00
Best Answer
Some people call it superstition but I believe there is a concept of law of attraction which works very well for me. I am not a believer of voodoo or black magic but I believe there are powers and energies around us which if implied perfectly bring peace, harmony and wealth. I was struggling with financial issues a few years back and was just looking for ways to come out of that crunch. I asked someone what to keep in wallet to attract money. They shared a few tips with me and I am finally revealing them now. Make secure and hassle-free transactions using NoBroker Pay all your rent and fees through Credit Card and get exciting rewards But before jumping into it I should mention, these tips may help you but your hard work, dedication and skills are the best attractors for money and wealth. What to keep in wallet to attract money? Let us address the real query here, what to keep in purse to attract money? There are several things suggested by my vastu counsellor. Some of them are:
  1. Bank notes: Even if you have a few of them, keep them in the wallet because money attracts money. Besides, it is considered inauspicious to carry a blank wallet.
  2. Rice Grains: Rice represents good life and abundance. Keeping a few grains of rice in your wallet will attract wealth and fresh energy.
  3. Peepal Leaf: Peepal has medicinal powers and is a cure to many ailments. You can attract a lot of luck and abundance by keeping a peepal leaf in your wallet.
  4. Seashell or sea salt: wrap the sea salt in a nylon cloth and keep it in your wallet securely. Otherwise, you can also consider keeping a couple of seashells in your wallet as they are signifiers of abundance in many cultures.
These are a few tips on what to keep in wallet to attract money. I hope you find this helpful.
2 2023-09-12T09:37:21+00:00

I strongly believe that Lakshmi or money comes to those people who know how to value and respect it. If you want to learn the best Vastu tips to increase money in your wallet, you should know how to differentiate between right and wrong. Just running after wealth and Fortune and not respecting Lakshmi or money will not bear any results. That is why have an honest heart and full faith in goddess Lakshmi to understand what you need to keep in your wallet to attract money.

What to keep in wallet to attract money astrology?

Picture of goddess Lakshmi :

Astrologers recommend keeping a picture of goddess Lakshmi sitting on a lotus in your wallet. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, abundance, and propensity. 

Shree Yantra :

Keeping a sacred Shree Yantra in your bag will make your life more positive and increase financial prospects.

One Rupee Note :

It is recommended that you keep 2 one rupee notes and one twenty rupee currency note in your bag at all times. Make sure to not use this money.

What not keep in your wallet?

Now that you know what to put in wallet for good luck, there is a list of items which are not advisable to be kept in your wallet. These are:

  • Torn banknotes

  • Too many debit cards

  • Unpaid bills or receipts

  • Medicines

  • Snacks

  • Old currency

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3 2023-07-07T20:36:56+00:00

My grandmother used to tell me that those who understand the worth of money as well as how to attract it succeed financially. The challenges in life are endless if there is no money. I couldn't figure out which colour purse attracts money. My grandma then informed me that the colour orange symbolises energy, success and attracts money to wallets. Scroll down to know the list of other items required to keep in your wallet.

How to attract money in wallet?

I read the guidance given by Narayandas and Aashna Sharma. They specifically suggested a list of items to keep in your wallet. Moreover, I have mentioned Vaastu tips to keep your wallet filled with money that my grandma shared with me below:

  • Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess, favours brass and silver the most. Therefore, having silver and brass coins in the wallet can draw more money.

  • Wishes should be written on red paper, tied with silk thread, and kept in a wallet to attract wealth and prosperity.

  • It is said that carrying fresh bay and peepal leaves in your wallet could draw money to you. Before putting the leaves in the wallet, carefully purify them by cleaning them in milk and Gangajal.

  • Put the Sri Yantra and Gomti Chakra in the wallet. Don’t forget to energise them with the beej mantras in order to draw money to your wallet.

  • It is also believed that keeping specific gems in a wallet can attract wealth. Emerald, Citrine, clear and rose quartz, red coral, amber, and green jade are among the most auspicious jewels.

  • According to Vedic astrology, keeping 21 whole grains of rice in your wallet will draw money and restrain you from spending a lot.

I hope you got an understanding of which things attract money to your wallet. If you have more queries on the matter, you can mention them in the comment section below. 

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One of the most crucial items we always have with us is our wallet, which we use to store all of our belongings in addition to cash. The following is a list of essentials for your wallet that will ensure your financial security. So let’s see what to put in wallet to attract money.

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What to keep in your wallet to attract money?

  • You'll become secure financially and psychologically if you keep gomti chakras in your wallet in odd numbers.

  • Keep some lotus seeds in your pocket for long-term financial stability and mental well-being. They are thought to be lucky.

  • Take a leaf from a peepal tree, clean it with water, and place it in your wallet so that it won't get crushed.

  • Do not use the two one-rupee notes and the twenty-rupee note that you should keep in a white wallet. If you can, wrap it on silver paper.

  • When you go to a temple, keep some rice in your wallet to give to the goddess Lakshmi.

  • By keeping Shree Yantra in your pocket, you'll become positive and healthy. Shree Yantra brings happiness into your life.

  • In your wallet, have a picture of Goddess Laxmi caressing Lord Vishnu's feet. It is seen as being extremely lucky.

  • You become positive and happy when you keep a white oval stone in your wallet; it also helps create a nice atmosphere around you.

  • Using Laghu nariyal in a family puja and keeping it after the puja in your wallet can spread good vibes throughout your family.

  • Keep seven yellow cowries (sea shells) in your wallet for good luck; it also keeps the interior of your wallet cool.

  • If you wish to attract wealth and prosperity, write your wishes on a piece of red paper, bind it with red silk thread, and store it in a safe where you keep your money. You can also simply keep the paper in your wallet.

What to keep in south east corner of house?

Having a Vastu item that represents fire is a good treatment to overcome any risks brought on by Vastu doshas because the southeast corner is the location of the fire, God. Hang a copper sun on the southeast corner wall.

Now you know what to put in wallet to attract money.

Read More: Can you keep sea salt and cloves in wallet? What colour wallet attracts money? What to keep in wallet to attract money?
4 2023-04-19T16:37:00+00:00

I understand the importance of maintaining a positive energy flow in our living spaces. What most people forget is that our wallet is a significant aspect of our financial life and is considered a reflection of our financial well-being. I keep my wallet clean and tidy. After reading numerous books, I have the answer to ‘how to attract money’?

Book a free Design consultation with professionals at NoBroker and spruce up your house as per Vastu How to attract money immediately?

1. Like I said above,  you should keep your wallet organised and clutter-free. A cluttered and disorganised wallet can block the flow of positive energy and attract financial stress.

2. The colour of your wallet can have an impact on your financial state. According to Vastu and feng shui money, green and red are the best colours to attract wealth and abundance. I would suggest you avoid  black and blue colours.

3. Continuing my answer on home remedies to attract money. Keeping a small mirror in your wallet is another great way to attract money.: The mirror will attract positive energy and reflect the abundance around you. It is believed that the reflection of money in the mirror can attract more wealth.

4. Keeping clove in wallet is believed to have a powerful effect on attracting money. Adding a few sticks of cinnamon or cloves in your wallet can help you in your financial journey. How to use bay leaf to attract money?

Bay leaf is a natural remedy for attracting wealth and abundance. It has been used by generations to attract money. Youjust need to keep a dried bay leaf in your wallet or purse to attract money.

How to manifest money?

One way is to set intentions and affirmations. Focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs about money and abundance can help manifest more money in your life. If you keep thinking, you don't have money or are broke. You will be pushing negative thoughts into the world. 

Here is a table to compile everything I have shared about 5 ways to attract money.

Ways to Attract Money


Set intentions and affirmations

Focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs about money and abundance.

Visualise abundance and success

Creating a mental image of abundance and success can help attract more money.

Create a positive money mindset

Cultivating a positive attitude towards money can help you attract more wealth.

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I hope my answer on  how to attract money brings you financial abundance.

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Can I keep sea salt and cloves in wallet?   

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2 2022-08-07T17:11:07+00:00


I have a silver coin that I carry with me wherever I go. I consider it to be one of the lucky things to keep in wallet. It brings me good fortune and protects me from evil. Many feng shui practitioners and Vastu experts have written books on the topic. I will share with you what items they recommend. 

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Things to keep in wallet to attract money?

I think money comes to those people who manifest the power of abundance. Those people who know the value of money and don't fret about monetary losses as they know they will get money in the future. 

What should I keep in my wallet to attract money?

I think you should write your monetary wishes on red coloured paper and tie it with a red silk thread. Then, you should keep this paper in your wallet. This will attract prosperity.

All the things to keep in wallet for good luck should have positive energy. Any items with negative energy can hamper the impact of the suitable items eg. torn currency notes and old receipts can hamper. 

I hope you have a clear idea about things that attract money 

Read more :

Can I keep sea salt and cloves in wallet?   

What color wallet attracts money?   

Can We Withdraw Money From Credit Card?    

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