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What is the Last Date for TNEB Bill Payment?

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0 2023-08-28T00:57:25+00:00

During the COVID lockdown, the TNEB online payment last date was extended a couple of times, but usually, an electricity board allows you a maximum of two months to clear all your dues. They will not allow you not more than two months to repay your bill and disconnect your power supply after that. I remember an incident that happened to me. My TNEB bill last date was 21st March 2023 but I forgot to pay it. I remembered it on March 27th and looked for the option to pay, but it was not there. I called their helpline number and learned that I could pay March’s bill along with April's. 

How to know the current bill last date in TamilNadu?

I pay the bill through NoBroker and am always reminded of it on time. I don’t know why I forgot about paying the bill in March, but you can check your current bill last date in TamilNadu. You can also visit

TNEB’s official website

and check your bill details there. Just

  • Enter your Service connection or consumer number and 

  • Mobile number 

But I will suggest you pay the bills on time or skip a month’s bill payment to avoid any penalty charges or disconnection. I hope you have understood how to find your TNEB last date for payment.

Pay your electricity bills on time every month. Use NoBroker’s bill payment service 

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2 2023-04-07T07:35:45+00:00

I get my electricity from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB). TNEB bill payment is possible by visiting the official website of TANGEDCO and making the payment through online payment methods. Being a customer, I can assist you regarding the  Tamilnadu electricity bill last date.

Pay your electricity and other utility bills via the NoBroker Utility Bill Payment Service  What is the last date for TNEB bill payment?

TANGEDCO assesses the energy used by LT users every two months. You belong to the odd cycle if the assessment is conducted in the odd month, and vice versa. Check the consumer bill status to determine your billing cycle, and your TNEB bill payment last date.

Hence, there is no such specific Tamil Nadu EB bill last date. It depends on your billing cycle. 

To avoid overcrowding at bill collection centres, the then-TNEB instituted a bi-monthly billing cycle in August 1987. But lately, a lot has changed. Presently, very few customers make payments at collection centres. The majority of users use either the Tangedco app or website to conduct online payments.

As a result, the Tamil Nadu government is considering switching the billing cycle for domestic consumers from a bimonthly to a monthly basis.

I’d like to conclude my answer here about Tamilnadu electricity bill last date. I hope this helps:)

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How Can I Know My TNEB Consumer Number? How to Find Consumer Numbers in TNEB? How to check the electricity bill amount TNEB?

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