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Where to complaint against housing society?

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7 2022-01-18T10:38:38+00:00
Best Answer

I was living in a housing society in Delhi and there were some major problems with the housing society committee. It started looking like pure harassment. I decided to file an online complaint against housing society but alas, I couldn’t really figure out how. Then a lawyer friend dropped a few suggestions. I am going to share the same with you. Here you go:

Where to complaint against society secretary?

If your complaint is specific to the society secretary then you will have to lodge and submit a written complaint with the chairman and board members. It is their responsibility to act on it and give you an answer in the next 15 days.

Where to complaint against housing society?

If your complaint is with the housing society then you will have to submit a written complaint with all the details, documentation and proof to the registrar of your area. The registrar will issue a show cause notice to the chairman and secretary.

You can also lodge a police complaint, they will take further action and guide you on the same.

Although online complaint against housing society wasn’t clear to me I got to know that I had the options to go to:

  • Registrar

  • Civil court /co operative court

  • Local authorities

I hope this helps you know where to complaint against housing society. Support this answer with an upvote😊

Read more: Who can become a member of housing society Who can become a chairman of housing society What is cooperative housing society
0 2024-12-09T10:17:29+00:00

Living in housing societies can be a real pain if the housing society committee is just rubbish. I have experienced this firsthand in my society, as these people were always creating unnecessary ruckus. Finally, when I could not take it anymore, I filed a complaint against them. So, coming to your query, where to complaint against housing society? 

Well, earlier, I wasn’t aware of where to do that, but I learned about it from a friend of mine. He told me I could file a written or typed complaint against them to the registrar of societies and the managing committee. He also said that explaining the dispute or complaint against the society member in full detail to any office-bearer of the society is also necessary. 

To learn where to file complaint against housing society, you can check the other answers mentioned here. I hope this helps. 

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Who are considered member of a housing society?

If you have a

police complaint against housing society


you can register it with the registrar of societies in your area. You will need to submit a written complaint with all the details, documentation, and proof to the registrar. The registrar will issue a show cause notice to the chairman and secretary. You can also lodge a police complaint, and they will take further action and guide you on the same. 

I hope this clarifies

how to complaint against society chairman.

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3 2023-07-24T20:25:06+00:00

Last year, my housing society was not allowing me to access common spaces. This was not right on their behalf. After encountering this issue I wanted to know where to complain about housing society. I can share the steps that I obtained while lodging a complaint against the housing society.

How to make a housing society complaint online?

  • The member should file a written or typed complaint on their State Cooperative Housing Federation online portal. One should outline the dispute or complaint in detail to any office-holder of the society.

  • After receiving the complaint, the managing committee considers it in the following committee, makes a decision, and notifies the member of that decision within 15 days.

  • The members may seek any relevant authorities for complaint resolution if they do not hear from the Committee within 15 days. The escalation complaint ought to be accompanied by a duplicate of the initial complaint letter.

  • Members might consider engaging an experienced lawyer (ideally one who specialises in real estate legislation) to present a strong case in circumstances that are not so straightforward and require significant research of legal loopholes and workarounds. 

  • Housing societies, therefore, have a legal advisor, consultant, or lawyer on staff who does a respectable job of defending the organisation if trouble befalls. Members who wish to make a strong argument in a complicated circumstance with all legal nuances and details covered should consult an attorney.

Where to complaint against housing society secretary, and committee members?

If you are experiencing harassment from the committee members, such as persistently disrespectful or impolite behaviour, verbal or physical threats, or attacks, you need to go to the local police station right away to submit an FIR. If you are issued a police NC (non-cognizable), you can file for further relief in civil court.

I hope this helps you with where to complain about housing society.

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