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Where to keep brass tortoise at home according to vastu ?

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I've always been fascinated by the art of home decor, especially when it involves unique and meaningful pieces. One such item is the brass tortoise. I'll share insights on how to keep brass tortoise at home decor, bringing both aesthetics and symbolism to your living space.

Where to keep brass tortoise in house?

According to Vastu experts, a brass turtle sculpture can be placed in the north or northwest corner of the home. The family members will experience luck and positive energy as a result of this. Children benefit significantly from this because it increases their ability to focus.

After understanding where to place brass tortoise at home, I’d like to highlight that tortoises of different shapes, sizes, and colours are already available on the market for home decor. You can pick and choose them based on the table below. However, bear in mind a few things, such as:

  • Placing two tortoises instead of one if you want stability in your relationships.

  • A "family" of tortoises, such as small and large tortoises, can also be kept in the south-west.

  • Use a brass turtle for relationships since it symbolises steadiness.

Tortoise Type Placement

Wooden tortoise

East or south-east

Metal tortoise

North or north-west

Stone tortoise


Glass/crystal tortoise

South-west or north-west

I hope this helps!

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0 2023-01-12T10:22:50+00:00

During our housewarming ceremony, we got a brass tortoise as a gift. It was quite big and beautiful so I kept it in the living room without even considering in which direction I should place it. My mother, being a typical Indian mom, got annoyed. She scolded me for keeping it in the east direction. She said that the brass tortoise direction in home should always be in the north or northwest. Actually, Feng Shui is believed to bring success, prosperity, happiness and well-being to a family. Hence placing it as per Vastu norms and feng shui should always be encouraged. Let me share a few more details on the same with you.

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What are some brass tortoise benefits?

My cousin wears a tortoise ring as per astrological advice and in many houses, you will witness tortoise Feng Shui. Tortoise be it made of glass, copper, or brass is believed to be auspicious. So apart from knowing the brass tortoise face direction in home, you should also know some of its benefits. I would like to share some of them here

  • Helps in removing all obstacles in life

  • Associated in bringing success, wealth, happiness and prosperity

  • Students lacking concentration are given brass tortoises and they are placed on their study table. It is believed to attract intelligence and good thoughts and help a student study sincerely

These are all I can remember as of now. 


I hope you have understood what is the brass tortoise direction in home and some of its benefits.


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0 2022-01-15T14:01:29+00:00
Hey there, You must have seen a brass tortoise or tortoise made of glass in the houses of people. Tortoises in general are considered to be a good symbol around the house. What most people don't know is that it needs to be placed according to brass tortoise vastu. In this answer I will share the correct placement. Where to keep brass tortoise at home according to vastu ? According to people who have reached expertise in the field of Vastu Shatra. Brass tortoise should be placed in the North or North West direction of the house. If it is placed in the correct direction, it will attract good vibes and good luck in the lives of family members, especially the children. It will sharpen the concentration level of the children as well. There is a distinction in the placement of tortoises according to the material. Take a look below. Earthen : If you want to place a Tortoise which is made up of earthen material i.e. resin, clay or mud. It is recommended you place it in the North East, Center or in the South West direction of the house. Metal : If you want to place a Tortoise which is made up of metal material i.e. brass, gold or silver. It is recommended you place it in the North and North West direction of the house. Crystals : If you want to place a Tortoise which is made up of crystal ie It is recommended you place it in the South West or North West direction of the house . This is the end of my answer about brass tortoise vastu. Hope it was helpful ! If you want help with scrutiny of technical documents and reports, Check out NoBroker Due Diligence pack. Read more : Where is to keep Vastu pyramid in house?     Where should be toilet as per vastu?     Where should be kitchen as per Vastu?     How to check Vastu of house?  

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