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Where to live while renovating?

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When we were recently getting our house renovated, one of my biggest questions and concerns was where to live while renovating. I wanted to make sure that I could stay close to the entire process, but my mother, who lives with us, started getting very uncomfortable with the noise. My wife also started getting migraines from all the drilling noise, and I just had to look for some other place to stay. So I looked up online what alternatives I had.

Where to Stay During Home Renovation?

I gave it some thought and planned to remain in my house while the renovations were being done. However, during my research on where to live during home renovation, I found and took the following steps to make it more manageable for my family.

  • I started by designating a particular room as the "living room" in the house. This was important because it was the only area that would be normal.

  • I also chose specific areas in the other rooms, especially my bedroom, which would remain relatively clutter free so that I can relax there sometimes.

  • I also divided the renovation work into different phases so that all the rooms of my house don’t have work going on in them at the same time. 

  • This would allow me to make use of the work that was neater to get rest and other work done while still keeping an eye on how the renovation was going. This also prevented me from getting extremely overwhelmed with all the noise and dust.

  • I also considered booking a nearby Airbnb for my family. This would be specific for a time during which there were supposed to be especially loud tasks, like building or demolition, taking place.

  • This way, I could go on in my house and come back to a more peaceful setting later on since a lot of heavy work was done. In addition, it provided my family with an essential break from the noise.

Therefore, you should carefully consider your options if you're considering remodelling. Being ready for it beforehand can be quite beneficial, regardless of whether you decide to stay or move into temporary housing. I hope you understand where to live while renovating.

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