Before getting our 2 BHK styled, we consulted with our friends to make a list of the best interior designers in Sarjapur. After much thought and discussion, we finally opted for NoBroker as they provided us with a free design consultation and a reasonable quote. But if you want, you can also go for other renowned interior designers like Livspace, Decorpot, Wudzo, etc.
Top 10 Best Interior Designers in Sarjapur
Choosing the best interior designer is hard. You will need to consider several factors, like:
For how long the company is in the market. The older they are, the safer they will be to go with.
Their quality of work. You can read reviews about the companies online and check their work execution and other details.
The type of materials they use, the variety, whether they allow personalised designs or not, etc.
Number of projects they have completed and other factors
Based on these aspects, I made a list of top interior designers in Sarjapur, and they are:
Chalk Studio
Design Cafe
Abhiman Decor
Shree Karni Interiors
Bird Nest Interiors
I however chose
NoBroker Interior Designers
NoBroker has completed around 5k projects. I have even seen their work sample, and it's sooooo good.
They assign a dedicated project team and project managers to supervise the work from start to finish.
They use quality materials and do around 250 quality checks.
You can enjoy a flat 10-year warranty on the materials they use.
I am so happy to have opted for them and will recommend them to others. If you want, you can consult with their experts and then decide whether they will be the best for your project or not.
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Which are the Best Interior Designers in Sarjapur?
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