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Which CPVC pipe is best?

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0 2022-06-27T20:08:33+00:00
Best Answer
We all know that PVC pipe consumption has increased significantly during the past few years in India. They are considerably more flexible. So the latest introduction of CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes has received favourable feedback. Let me guide you on which CPVC pipe is best in India. Choose NoBroker plumbing services to do your plumbing work efficiently.

Which is the best CPVC pipes in India?

1) Finolex Pipe In relation to all made by their opponents, Finolex guarantees that CPVC pipes made by them can endure extremely high temperatures. You can use their CPVC pipes to distribute hot and cold water both indoors and outdoors. But they are not advised for use with compressed air or gases. 2) Dutron Pipe The quality, affordability, dependability, and trustworthiness of the Dutron hot and cold water CPVC sewage system are unparalleled. This company's modern technology plumbing systems are designed for dealing with hazardous liquid in industrial settings and ventilation systems. You can also use it for the delivery of hot and cold water supplies. 3) Apollo Pipe The company's newest addition to its Indian product line is the CPVC pipes and fittings. They are made with the level of quality demanded by both residential and commercial applications. These pipes from Apollo are supposed to last more than 50 years after deployment and are very ideal for the delivery of water supply. 4) Ashirvad Pipe Ashirvad Pipes has introduced CPVC pipes to the Indian coasts under the brand name FLOWGUARD PLUS plumbing system. It comes after obtaining a licence from Lubrizol, a Berkshire Hathaway business that is the world's biggest developer and supplier of CPVC compounds. The manufacturing procedures carefully meet the international requirements for their products' maintenance-free longevity. 5) Astral Pipe The first company in India to obtain a licence to produce and sell the most cutting-edge CPVC pipes is Astral. The business collaborates technologically with Specialty Process LLC of the USA. It provides cutting-edge tools and programmes for quality assurance of international scope. It also creates CPVC plumbing systems that meet the requirements for use in India. Now you know which CPVC pipe is best in India. Home cleaning service from NoBroker will keep your house clean and neat. Read More: How to cap off a PVC water pipe? How to clean PVC ceiling panels? Why are electric wires coated with PVC?  

Hello Priyal. Being into the hardware business for a long time, I can surely tell you a bit about the top 10 CPVC pipe in India at the moment. There are several players in the market, but a few of them stand out due to their build quality, longevity and pricing. For instance. I think Finolex and Astral are amongst the top pipe brands. I will add more names below.

Top 10 CPVC Company in India

Here are the top 10 CPVC pipe brands in India according to me:

  1. Finolex

  2. Ashirvad

  3. Astral

  4. Apollo Pipes

  5. Ashirvad Pipes

  6. Dutron

  7. Supreme Pipes

  8. Veer Polyplast

  9. Vectus 

  10. Skipper Pipes

So, these are the brands I recommend. When you look to finalise the brand, choose according to the usage. Some brands offer better products for residential use, while some have much more options when it comes to commercial usage. Also, look at the specifications of the pipe to make the right choice.

Get Professional Installation and Repair for Your Home Pipes Via NoBroker Plumbing!

Some related information:

Which is the no 1 CPVC pipes company in India?

0 2024-04-29T08:52:33+00:00

Last month, one of the pipes in my bathroom burst out of the blue. There was a lot of water spillage in the bathroom and I had to shut down the whole pipe system quickly. I called a plumber to fix the issue, and he informed me that it happened because the quality of the pipe wasn’t good. So, I asked him about the top 10 CPVC pipe company in India. Here is what he told me.  

Top Ten CPVC Pipe Company In India

I have added all the information provided by him in the table below. 

Top CPVC Pipe Brands In India Advantages

Ashrivad Pipes Pvt. Ltd.

Lightweight, tensile & hight resilient

ASTRAL Limited 

Low-weight and cost-effective

Supreme Industries Limited

Minimal maintenance costs

Finolex Industries Limited

Anti-corrosion property

Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited

Lightweight and high-impact strength

Apollo Pipes Limited 

Can withstand temp. up to 92 degrees

Jain Irrigation Systems Limited 

Energy-efficient and low insulation cost

Kisan Mouldings Limited

Better chemical and heat-resistant properties

Ajay Industrial Corporation Limited 

Corrosion-resistant and free of scaling

Skipper Limited

Good insulation properties

These are the top 10 CPVC pipe brands in world that he told me about. Among the pipes mentioned here, I chose pipes from Supreme Industries Limited. 

I hope this information about top 10 CPVC pipe company in India will be of help to you. 

Hire NoBroker Plumber to Fix Your Pipeline Leakage at Just Rs. 279 Read More

Which PVC Pipe is best for Plumbing?

APL Apollo pipes yes - you heard right Apl Apollo pipes यह पाइप आपके साधारण पाइप जैसा नहीं है, यह भारत का पहला Healthier pipe है,और मैं यहां आपको इसके फायदों के बारे में बताता हूं और यह कैसे आपको अलग अलग बीमारियों से बचा सकता है। अब,आप शायद सोच रहे होंगे कि Apl Apollo pipe इतना unique क्यू और कैसे है। खैर, मैं आपको बता दूं। यह पाइप Lucalor,France के हाई क्वालिटी वाली मैटीरियल से बना हुआ है जो specially safe पीने योग्य पानी के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई हैं। साधारण पाइपों के तुलना में, Apl Apollo pipe में lead या हार्मफुल substances जैसे कोई भी हानिकारक पदार्थ नहीं होते हैं जो आपके पीने के पानी को दूषित करते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि आप पानी से होनी वाली बीमारियों के डर के बिना confidently इस पाइप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, Apollo pipe जंग के प्रति बेहद प्रतिरोधी होता है, जो कई पाइप यूजर्स द्वारा सामना की जाने वाली एक आम समस्या है। जंग न केवल पाइप को कमजोर करती है बल्कि जंग और अन्य हानिकारक पदार्थों का निर्माण भी करती है जो आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक हो सकते हैं।                                Apollo pipe के साथ, आप जंग से संबंधित समस्याओं को अलविदा कह सकते हैं और safe & pure water का आनंद ले सकते हैं Apl Apollo pipe का एक और another benifit इसकी durability यानी मजबूती। जो विशेष रूप से एक्सपर्ट इंजीनियर द्वारा तैयार की गई होती हैं, जिसे इस पाइप को high pressure और temprature का सामना करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया जाता है, जिससे यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि यह सबसे कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी बरकरार रहे। इसका मतलब है कि आपको बार-बार पाइप को मरम्मत या बदलने के बारे में चिंता करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, जिससे लंबे समय में आपका समय और पैसा दोनों बचेगा। चाहे आप homeowner हों, बिल्डर हों, या प्लंबर हों, आप इस पाइप को लगाने के बाद प्लम्बिंग के मामले में टेंशन मुक्त हो जाएंगे इसके कई लाभ, जैसे कि एक स्वस्थ benifit, जंग के प्रति प्रतिरोधी, अत्यधिक टिकाऊ और लगाने में भी आसान, जो इसे भारत की cpvc pipe industrty में नंबर 1 बनाती हैं इसलिए, यदि आप अपने स्वास्थ्य को value देते हैं और अपने पीने के पानी की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करना चाहते हैं, तो मैं आपकी सभी पाइपलाइन आवश्यकताओं के लिए Apl Apollo pipe लगाने की सलाह दूंगा Smart बने Apollo चुने
India has a rich history of plumbing and piping systems, dating back to ancient times. With the rapid growth and modernization of the country, the demand for high-quality and efficient plumbing and piping systems has also increased. In recent years, various Indian brands have emerged as leaders in the plumbing and piping industry, offering a wide range of products and solutions to meet the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial customers. These brands use state-of-the-art technology and materials to manufacture products that are durable, reliable, and cost-effective. In this article, we will introduce some of the top plumbing and piping system brands in India, their products, and services, and how they are making a difference in the industry Which are the top 10 CPVC pipe brands in India 2023? The top CPVC pipe brands from which you can purchase durable products are-
1.Apollo Pipes Limited 2.ASTRAL Limited 3.Ashirvad Pipes Pvt Ltd 4.Finolex Industries Limited 5.Jain Irrigation Systems Limited 6.Prince Pipes and Fittings      Limited 7.Ajay Industrial Corporation Limited 8.Kisan Mouldings Limited 9.Supreme Industries Limited 10.Skipper Limited
3 2023-08-08T12:44:26+00:00

CPVC is the abbreviation for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride. It is a type of thermoplastic that is used in the manufacturing of pipes and fittings. They are highly resistant to temperature variations and chemicals as well. It is great to know which is the best CPVC pipe company in India and purchase products from them. You can be sure that they will last a long time and that your investment is worth it. I chose Finolex as the best brand of CPVC pipe in India, but there are many more. I have made a list of the top brands and will be glad to share it with you all.

Which are the top 10 CPVC pipe brands in India 2023?

The top CPVC pipe brands from which you can purchase durable products are-

  • Finolex Industries Limited

  • ASTRAL Limited 

  • Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited

  • Ashirvad Pipes Pvt Ltd

  • Supreme Industries Limited

  • Apollo Pipes Limited

  • Jain Irrigation Systems Limited

  • Ajay Industrial Corporation Limited

  • Skipper Limited

  • Kisan Mouldings Limited

Get premium quality pipes installed in your house by NoBroker’s expert plumbers 

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What is the difference between PVC and CPVC? How to cap off a PVC water pipe? How to clean PVC ceiling panels?
5 2023-05-24T09:27:35+00:00

CPVC is a strong and durable material that has been used in plumbing applications for the past few decades. CPVS stands for

chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. I wanted to instal the best quality fixture or materials in my new house, and on asking the shopkeeper which would be the

best CPVC pipe in India, I came across a list of them. Siddharth has already mentioned the most well-known ones, but I would like to add more to the list. But yes, do check with the local shops as well since all products might not be available everywhere or their rates might vary a lot. So let me share the best CPVC pipe brands in India now.

Which is the best CPVC pipe?

There are thousands of companies providing CPVC pipes for plumbing. I am not sure which is the best CPVC pipe in our nation, but yes, some of them are very popular. These brands have been in this field for a really long time, so you can use them for your plumbing services and they are-

Company name Best used for


Making pipes for drinking water supply, for water tank, irrigation purposes, rainwater harvesting system and more

Prince Piping Systems

Making pipes for plumbing purposes and also industrial, sewage drainage pipes and fittings, water storage tanks and cable ducting 


Produces high-quality PEX-AL-PEX pipe systems, has low thermal conductivity, and is corrosion resistant and durable as well.

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd

Has a variety of pipes to serve different purposes 

Vectus Industries Ltd.

Is a leading CPVC pipe-producing company in India providing different kinds of pipes that can be used for plumbing services and others as well 

So the decision to choose which company CPVC pipe is best will be completely yours as per your needs or budget. But as advice, I will suggest you always go for brands that have been in the industry for decades at least. Once there is any damage to a pipe, the whole system might need to be changed. Do not take the risk. Choose the best CPVC pipe for plumbing wisely before investing. 

If you ever have any doubts, ask a plumber to guide you. They work with pipes every day, so they have better knowledge about them. This is what I can say to answer which is the best CPVC pipe in India.  

Get your CPVC fittings done by NoBroker’s expert plumbers 

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How to cap off a PVC water pipe?

How To Clean PVC Ceiling Panels?

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