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Which is better 3 BHK or 2BHK?

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2 Year


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Our rented apartment did not follow Vaastu norms at all hence most of the time my 5-year-old kid and I would remain ill. Vaastu norms have scientific reasons behind them so we all believe they must be followed. My husband was very sure to buy an apartment that was Vaastu-compliant but needed help understanding which as per Vaastu 2 BHK or 3 BHK is good. We have a large family but they do visit us occasionally hence we opted for 2 BHK. As per Vaastu, the apartment, be it a 2 BHK or 3 BHK must follow the Vaastu norms. So let me share the appropriate answer to which is better 3 BHK or 2BHK. I will also share what norms need to be followed for your good.

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  Between 2 BK and 3 BHK which should you choose?

This is completely your decision. The size of the apartment must depend on how many members are there in your family and proceed further. If it is a big family, go for 3 BHK and for a small one, go for 2 BHK. Just remember a few things

  • The kitchen must not face the main door

  • Make sure you have lawns, gardens or more and enough green colour to look at

  • The apartment must not be west or south-facing

  • The main door of the apartment should not be towards the lift

  • Your apartment must have enough doors or windows to let air and energy flow through it freely


I hope you have understood what you need to follow for a 2 BHK or 3 BHK apartment as per Vastu.

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Is there any scientific study that supports Vastu Shastra?

If the house is not as per Vaastu, what can be done to make it Vaastu complaint?

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