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Which is the Best Direction for Work Desk at Office?

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After COVID-19, my office completely shifted to work from home mode. Being a strong believer in Vastu principles, I consulted a Vastu expert, about the best direction for work desk at office in my home. According to him the orientation of the work desk needs to be southwest.

Which is the Best Direction For Office Desk at Home?

As I mentioned earlier, the best Vastu direction for work desk at office in home is the SouthWest. He also added that while working, I should be facing northeast and facing the workstation so that no door, window, or balcony is in the way. This guarantees reduced stress and improves focus in a person.

Facing north or east is very auspicious and helps you feel revitalised. Kuber, the god of money, is oriented towards the north. 

If you are a strong believer in Vastu principles, it is best that you consult a Vastu expert while designing your workstation.

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