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Which is the Best Flooring for Commercial Use?

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9 months


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3 2024-06-07T20:15:09+00:00

Hey buddy. My commercial interior specialist recently informed me that durability, style, ease of maintenance, and pricing are the four primary factors to take into account while choosing the best flooring for commercial use. There are several options available in the market like SPC vinyl flooring, vinyl sheet flooring, laminate flooring, hardwood flooring, and commercial floor tile.

5 Best Flooring for Commercial Space

He informed me of the pros and cons of every flooring option I have shared below for your reference.

Commercial Flooring Types Pros Cons

Commercial SPC Vinyl Flooring

100% waterproof, highly durable, easy to install and effectively absorb sound waves

More expensive and slightly uncomfortable 

Commercial Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Come in an extensive variety of colours and patterns, able to tolerate dents and scrapes and stain resistant. 

Challenging to install and difficult to replace

Commercial Hardwood Flooring

Give a luxurious look, stain resistant and best wood flooring for commercial use

Requires refinishing every ten years and difficult to clean as compared to other flooring material

Commercial Floor Tile

Highly durable, and needs little or no maintenance

Very costly and may not be ideal for a physical workspace due to its slippery and rigid features

Commercial Laminate Flooring

This flooring comes in a variety of stylish and reasonably priced styles. It has uniform textures and tones. Ideal for daily usage in commercial settings. Very easy to maintain. The best laminate flooring for commercial use is HDF laminate flooring.

Generate a hollow sound and only address a portion of the high moisture issue

I hope you found this answer helpful.

Elevate Your Business Space with Best Flooring via NoBroker Commercial Interior. Read more -

Vinyl Vs Laminate Flooring Pros and Cons?

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