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Which is the Best White Shade in Asian Paints?

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0 2024-09-12T09:08:42+00:00

Once you visit the Asian Paints portal or a paint shop, you will fail to figure out the best white shade in Asian Paints. White lovers will love all their shades. We have used the Sonnet shade, and it is so lovely. It is a pastel shade of blue with a tint of white. Let me add more to the list that Anamika shared.

Which is the Best White Paint for Interior Walls Asian Paints?

There are ample Asian Paints best white shades you can choose from, and here is a list of more shades you can consider using on your walls:

Asian Paint Shade Name 

Asian Paint Colour Code 

Cream Tone


Mellow Orange


Raw Jute


South Pole


Silver Comet




Pipe Dream


Swan Wing


The absolute white shade is also great. Its colour code is L161. So I hope you will be able to give your walls a pure white look.

Get Your House Painted with Any Shade of Asian Paint by NoBroker’s Professional Painters

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What is Asian Paint Off White Colour Code?

0 2024-04-25T10:21:05+00:00

Call me dull or boring but white will always be my favourite colour. I wanted to use different shades of white rather than choosing the best white shade in Asian paints and using it all over. I believed I had to choose just from a dozen of white shades but I was wrong. The shopkeeper shared with me the colour chart and that is when I learned that white has more than 30 shades of it. I still have the chart with me so I can highlight a list of white shades along with code here.

Which is the Best White Color in Asian Paints?

Asian paint has a variety of white shades to choose from. Just visit their official portal or a paint shop and get to learn about the shades and their codes. You can choose the best off white color for walls Asian Paints as per your taste from this list:

Colour name  Colour code 

Air breeze 


Button rose 


Soft breeze 


Zinnia bloom 


Winged Angel


Touch Of Fuschia


Day Lily


White Clay


Lilac Frost 


White Butter


White Fog


Soft Silk 


My best white paint for interior walls Asian paints was the soft silk shade. It looks bright and enticing and will be a perfect choice to opt for painting your living room. 

These are all white shades with a tinge of red, yellow, orange or others. Each has its own aura so you can check the colour and then decide which one will be the best Asian paint white color for interior walls to use.

Get Your House Painted with White or Any Other Shade by Professionals. Opt for NoBroker Painting Services

Read More:

What White Paint to Use on Walls: Shades And Considerations?


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