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Which is the smallest house in the world?

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My brother was complaining to my father about having a small house last night. My dad being dad did research on which is the smallest house in the world. He found out that Van Bo Le-Mentzel (Berlin-based architect) has created the “One-Sqm-House”, which is probably the smallest house in the world.

It is a Do-It-Yourself wooden structure, which uses only one square metre of floor area. One can use it as a mobile kiosk, dwelling place, or even an extra room inside your flat. One can use it upright or laid down flat for sleeping. As this property features wheels, one can easily move it to any location.

Van Bo describes this house as a place where nobody other than you can decide what happens with this 1 sq. m. of yours in the world. It is the only square metre in the world where you can decide what neighbours you have, what direction the door opens in, or what direction the window looks in. Now you know which is the smallest home in the world.

My father asked my brother to make a One-Sqm-House himself if he wants to know what it really feels like to live in a small home :p

Consult NoBroker’s Interior Designers to Redecorate Your Small House to Make it Look Bigger!

I want you to know about the smallest house in Delhi that is grabbing all attention and people can’t stop talking about it. The smallest house is constructed over mere six yards and is located in Burari. It has one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, terrace, and staircase.

Check Out Beautiful Small Houses that Suits Your Requirements on NoBroker

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This is all on which is the smallest house in the world.

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