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Which Type of Distribution is Preferred in Residential Areas?

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I am from Bangalore and I don’t know if your locality has the same issue or not but mine area has load shedding almost for 3 to 4 hours everyday. Once some electricians were repairing a wire on a pole so my neighbors asked them what’s the matter. So we got to know that the voltage distribution was not good enough hence the power cuts were happening and one of them even asked about

the distributors for residential areas are there. If you are curious to know such facts, let me highlight some basic points I remember here.

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  What phase wire should be used in residential areas?

Unlike commercial areas, residential areas have almost no or less number of factories or companies hence excessive power supply might not be even here. When people asked which type of distribution is preferred in residential areas, the electricians said that three-phase four-wire is used in residential areas and that is what they were doing then. Such a system allows the residents to have phase voltages or line-to-ground voltages as required by the swellers.

For domestic load the voltage required is about 220-240 volts and this system bears the capability to distribute the power as required to each and every house. 


This is a basic understanding I got about the

the distributors for residential areas are


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