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Who are coparceners?

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3 Year


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2 2021-04-14T11:19:04+00:00
Best Answer

Every family has something to pass on to the next generation. If you are from a Hindu family it is important for you to understand the concept of coparceners, who is coparcener, and coparcener meaning

Coparcener meaning

Coparceners is a term commonly used in Hindu undivided families. Coparcenary means joint-heirship of a property. A coparcener is a person under Hindu undivided Act, who has legal right on the ancestral property by birth.

Who is  coparcener?

According to Joint Hindu Family Act, a coparcener is known as the person who has legal rights on the ancestral property. Prior to 2005 only male descendants were the coparcener or we can say only sons had the right to inherit ancestral property. But after 2005 daughters/female descendants also have equal rights as the male descendant. Now every child has an equal right to ancestral property by birth irrespective of gender.

To have a better understanding know the concept of ancestral property.

Ancestral property is the property that is passed by the paternal ancestor up to the next four generations is known as ancestral property.

This is all about coparcener meaning and who coparcener. Hope your query is clear now. 

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