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Who can become committee member of housing society?

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Best Answer
Who can become committee member of housing society   

A committee means a group formed by the members of the society or any other directed body who manages the affairs of the society. Since you belong to a society you can ask who can become a member of a cooperative society.

I have become a member of the housing society 2 years back and these are the eligibility criteria I had to fulfill to become a member of the

housing society:

  • You need to pay all the dues before the scrutiny of the nomination for the election contest.

  • If you have rented a flat and you are living in another house you can also become a member of the housing committee given the circumstances that your house is located within 5 km from your society. 

  • You should always attend Managing committee meetings.

  • You should devote time to your society and help society resolve problems like raising funds and accepting deposits. 

  • You can become a member of your housing committee by participating in the election contest.

I hope you know now who can become committee member of housing society.

0 2022-12-21T14:32:42+00:00

Cooperative housing societies adhere to the model bye-laws, which are extensive and establish a number of rules and procedures for elections. I understood this when my father joined a housing society last year. Until then I had no idea who could and could not become committee members of housing society. But now that I know all about it, I can help you with your query. 

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How many members are there in a society committee?

Before I tell you who can become secretary of housing society, I will tell you how many members are actually there in the housing society committee.

Number of members in a Society


Reserved (Women SC/ST OBC VJ/NT/SBC)


Quorum for Meeting (simple majority of the existing Committee Members)

Up to 100





101 to 200





201 to 300





301 to 500





501 and above





Who cannot become committee member of housing society in Maharashtra?

The Model Bye-Laws provide that one of the main conditions for a member's ineligibility to run in an election is if he fails to pay society dues within three months after receiving written notice of the default.

The Election cannot be challenged by an Associate Member for whom the Original Member has not obtained a No-Objection Certificate.

Such limitations do not apply to proposers or seconders, who are free to suggest and back as many candidates as they like, regardless of past-due bills or other financial obligations.

Also ineligible are those who sublet or rent their homes without first informing the community.

No one is eligible if they don't present accurate bookkeeping or expense records for the money the group has given them. Anyone who disregards their given responsibilities and is found to have violated trust is ineligible to serve on the committee.

In addition, a member is removed from the Committee if he misses three consecutive monthly sessions of the Committee without a leave of absence. Members who have retired but have not been disqualified are allowed to run for office.

This is all you need to understand about committee members of housing society.

Read More: Who Cannot Become Committee Member of Housing Society? How to Fill Out Nomination Form for Housing Society?  What is the role of the treasurer in the housing society?

Hi Buddy,

When I bought my house, I wanted to be a part of the housing committee. In my mind, I had questions about who could join the housing society's committee and

who cannot become committee member of housing society

. After certain research and discussion with the committee members, I learned certain important facts about the same.

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Committee members, as you already know from Sarmana's response, are a group of people who oversee society's affairs. When a problem emerges in a society, these individuals assist in the resolution of the problem. Also, if you are pondering, “

what is the eligibility criteria to become committee member of housing society?” I would like to say that you should go through her answer. She meticulously mentioned the housing society committee members eligibility criteria.

Now let us move on to;

Who cannot become committee member of housing society

The following people are not eligible to be a housing member of the committee, according to bye-laws no. 118;

  • A person who has a record of committing a moral turpitude offence is barred from becoming a housing member for a period of six years after the charge has been authorised

  • If a person has not paid the society's dues for three months after getting the notice, he or she is unable to serve on the housing committee

  • If a person is judged liable for the cost of the inquiry under section 85 of the act, he cannot join the housing society

  • If a person rents or leases his property without society's permission, he will be regarded ineligible to become a part of the

    housing committee members

I hope this answer about

 who could join the housing society's committee and

who cannot become committee member of housing society

, helps you:)

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Who are considered member of a housing society? Can a member who has sublet his flat become a secretary of the housing society?

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